
  1. Dental Health Education Video: I found this video to be a great educational experience. I discussed in my paper that I lacked confidence in my findings and patient education. Using words like, kind of, and probably often. If I did this video again I would focus on being more confident with my words. I would try not to use kind of or probably in my descriptions. Instead speaking with confidence and tell my patient when doing gingival conditions that I’m evaluating for inflammation of their gums and explain where and what I’m finding . At this time I was in my first clinic of seeing patients. Watching myself in action improved my ability to communicate, assess, and correct radiograph errors. Overall, I feel like this appointment went well. Seeing how much my knowledge, confidence, and ability to communicate to patients has improved since is rewarding.
  2. Radiographic Interpretation Self-Assessment: The radiographic interpretation is something I will use through the rest of my career. The ability to explain to patients in their terms is so important to patient education. Through the self-assessment each semester, I was able to see areas I was strong in and areas I need improvement. By my last semester, I am confident I can adequately explain radiographs to patients because of this self-assessment.