March 2016 archive

Week 6

I’ll be the first to admit that when I came across Google+ for the first time, I was not all that impressed. At first glance, it seems like another social media platform that does not offer anything unique to the market, but after this week I see that I was wrong! Articles such as this one have changed my mind:

Adding circles is a great way to reach an extremely wide audience considering that almost everyone who has ever used the internet has used Google at some point. After talking with my client, he thinks it will be a good idea to work on adding his student to a custom circle so that we can reach and engage with them. This week my dad and I have a lot of time off so we will be working together on this project a lot. Onto the next week!

Here is a link to my client’s Google+ page:

Week 5

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This week’s assignment was to get the ball rolling on our client’s social media. Setting up the Facebook and twitter pages were surprisingly time consuming! Much more time consuming than setting up my own personal pages, as you have to be aware of the public. Some things i kept in mind while setting up these pages was keeping the image consistent. For the profile picture, I used the studio’s logo that i fancied into an icon. The cover photos on both pages are an image of the school where the studio is located.

I think Facebook espceially is going to be an asset to my client because of the very nature of high school. Consider the age group of Facebook, sharing the videos made the students there will be very convenient for the student to share them with friends and family. Twitter will be used for more quick updates and retweets that are relevant to the field.  That’s all for this week!