My Strengths

Earlier today I had the opportunity to take a “Strengths Finder” test. In the past I have taken test similar to this before, but the results I received were very helpful in explaining what I am good at and why. I believe the results were accurate in showing what I enjoy and what I am good at. The first theme was Context. Typically this represents people that enjoy history, looking at the past and learning from it. I definitely feel that history can teach us almost everything we need to know. I often learn best from viewing others past mistakes and viewing what I can change to be more successful. When it comes to creating I usually look through previous posts to see what was successful, and what people seemed to enjoy most, then taking the next steps to include those results into what I was making.

My second theme was Futuristic. I thought it was kinda funny that context and futuristic were next to each other because they sort of contradict each other. Like it sounds, the futuristic type looks to the future, inspired by whats to come, and often dream about what their next steps will be. I think I look forward to the future, and base a lot of my decisions off of how it will affect my life in the long run. When it comes to social media, it is always important to be one step ahead. I try to look for trends that are approaching to I can adapt to them when they peek.

I also found that I am a strong maximizer. This is useful in that I am able to view a groups strengths, and use them all beneficially. I found that this is helpful when working with a team that everyone is able to do what they are actually good at. This can often save time and reap the best results.

Similar to maximizer, I also was labeled as a strong individualizer. Viewing people as a unique individual and creating their site based off of who they are and what they like is really valuable in the social media marketing world. I hope to be able to leverage this strength in this class by figuring out different ways people work best together.

Last but definitely not least is the strength of analyzing. This fit me to a T. I find that I am often searching for the genuine reason behind a cause. I believe this could be a useful strength in my social media marketing future. I think its important to look at what is currently popular in the media world and why. Finding the “why” will help in knowing how to create posts that will attract a certain crowd.

I really enjoyed finding and understanding my strengths. I believe knowing that you are good at could help you grow in many different ways.

1 Comment on My Strengths

  1. Prof B
    September 10, 2018 at 11:59 pm (6 years ago)

    It sounds like you can analyze an individual’s story from the past to the future…and how they can improve on their current situation. 🙂


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