Client Project

This week has been so full of making some major changes to my client’s social media presence. When we started, the only social media account she had set up was for Instagram. On this account, there were several posts, a short bio that lacked important details, and one Instagram story highlight. I have found that many people like to see companies work, so I mentioned the importance of displaying the different things she has done by using Instagram stories, and highlighting them. I encouraged my client to promote her business account on her personal media outlets which led to her receiving many new followers. I also took note of the insight that Instagram gives when its set up to be a business account. I was able to find a good posting time that would help her get more likes and comments, I also figured out what her main audience was, so I would be able to create the feed based off of that. An app that I found to be useful with cresting cohesive posts and frequent posting time is called UNUM. It has been very beneficial throughout this process and I would defiantly recommend it. 

The next step with my client’s branding was to set up a Facebook account. I feel that the majority of people on Instagram are in a younger age margin, so using Facebook can get her name out in the older age bracket. I set up her new Facebook account to basically match her Instagram, and again had her promote it on her personal media spots. This led to more traffic on her new page. 

After Facebook was set up, we decided to create a twitter page. Because she is a hair and makeup artist I don’t think twitter will be used quite as much like the other media outlets, but I decided it could benefit us to have an account made to get her name out more. Below are images of what her accounts looked like when we first began. 

Here are the images of what the account’s first looked like.

1 Comment on Client Project

  1. Prof B
    September 25, 2018 at 12:05 am (6 years ago)

    Super start, Addison! Love that you’ve explored the UNUM app and that your client is already allowing you to post stories on Instagram. 🙂


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