Social media Strategy Plan

The strategy I have been working on for my client is on the chart below. The goals I am hoping to reach are curating a more established following, frequent posts that encourage conversation, and a theme that is evident throughout the postings. 

Posting Goals  Frequent hairstyles


Makeup tutorials and products  favorite products for the current seasons 
Overall vision  To create an interesting feed that helps promote the company. Establishing an interactive following.  Reaching out to new people and companies 
Strengths  Having a solid following that is growing  Good frequent content  Several possible color themes 
Audience  Female 18-25 Prefers hair looks over makeup  Enjoys watching tutorials 

Overall I am hoping to grow what the business currently has. This involves opening new media pages like Facebook and Twitter and being active on those sites. Because my clients business requires having a good clientele, being an active social media pretense is essential to growing that. After doing a small audit of what her audience enjoys I. was able to find that a well-curated theme throughout the postings is what was most popular. I hope to provide this for my client in order to start her on the right path. 

For my client’s Twitter account there is a lot I hope to improve during this semester. First would be to create a solid following and discover what sort of tweets would create the best conversation and traffic on the page. I would also like to make the Twitter account more active with tweets and retweets about the things my client does for her business. 

1 Comment on Social media Strategy Plan

  1. Prof B
    October 4, 2018 at 3:14 am (6 years ago)

    Well done, Addison! It might be fun to see your client do Facebook Live sessions — and of course before/after photos. 🙂


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