My Introduction

Hello friends! As you probably have noticed my name is Addison Dayle, (Dayle being my middle name.) This is my second year attending Johnson County community College. My declared major is Liberal Arts, however I am hoping to one day achieve a degree in Social Media Marketing.

My interest in this field sparked when I began sharing my photography by using Instagram. I began creating a “theme” for all my posts, learning different ways to edit and adjust exposure and lighting to give my page a cohesive flow. I enjoyed promoting my skills, and hoped to one day do it at a professional level. At the beginning of this year I was offered a job as the social media director for a local church. I have really enjoyed this opportunity and would love to grow my knowledge on the subject.

I hope this course will teach me how to properly use the many media outlets we all have access to, as well as show me how to expand on the techniques I have been using. And I would love to learn how to create better consistent cohesive feed.


1 Comment on My Introduction

  1. Prof B
    September 4, 2018 at 8:50 pm (6 years ago)

    Super! Great to have you in class, Addison! I look forward to seeing your photography this semester. 🙂


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