Social media Strategy Plan

The strategy I have been working on for my client is on the chart below. The goals I am hoping to reach are curating a more established following, frequent posts that encourage conversation, and a theme that is evident throughout the postings. 

Posting Goals  Frequent hairstyles


Makeup tutorials and products  favorite products for the current seasons 
Overall vision  To create an interesting feed that helps promote the company. Establishing an interactive following.  Reaching out to new people and companies 
Strengths  Having a solid following that is growing  Good frequent content  Several possible color themes 
Audience  Female 18-25 Prefers hair looks over makeup  Enjoys watching tutorials 

Overall I am hoping to grow what the business currently has. This involves opening new media pages like Facebook and Twitter and being active on those sites. Because my clients business requires having a good clientele, being an active social media pretense is essential to growing that. After doing a small audit of what her audience enjoys I. was able to find that a well-curated theme throughout the postings is what was most popular. I hope to provide this for my client in order to start her on the right path. 

For my client’s Twitter account there is a lot I hope to improve during this semester. First would be to create a solid following and discover what sort of tweets would create the best conversation and traffic on the page. I would also like to make the Twitter account more active with tweets and retweets about the things my client does for her business. 

Client Project

This week has been so full of making some major changes to my client’s social media presence. When we started, the only social media account she had set up was for Instagram. On this account, there were several posts, a short bio that lacked important details, and one Instagram story highlight. I have found that many people like to see companies work, so I mentioned the importance of displaying the different things she has done by using Instagram stories, and highlighting them. I encouraged my client to promote her business account on her personal media outlets which led to her receiving many new followers. I also took note of the insight that Instagram gives when its set up to be a business account. I was able to find a good posting time that would help her get more likes and comments, I also figured out what her main audience was, so I would be able to create the feed based off of that. An app that I found to be useful with cresting cohesive posts and frequent posting time is called UNUM. It has been very beneficial throughout this process and I would defiantly recommend it. 

The next step with my client’s branding was to set up a Facebook account. I feel that the majority of people on Instagram are in a younger age margin, so using Facebook can get her name out in the older age bracket. I set up her new Facebook account to basically match her Instagram, and again had her promote it on her personal media spots. This led to more traffic on her new page. 

After Facebook was set up, we decided to create a twitter page. Because she is a hair and makeup artist I don’t think twitter will be used quite as much like the other media outlets, but I decided it could benefit us to have an account made to get her name out more. Below are images of what her accounts looked like when we first began. 

Here are the images of what the account’s first looked like.

Week Three

This week has been so full of learning different things about social media, and how to use it in the marketing industry. After setting up my Hootsuit account I had access to many different articles that explained several functions of different media outlets. I found out that Pinterest is mainly used by woman, and they typically have a higher income. I also learned more about Linkedln. I have never used this website before, so it was really helpful to read up on what it was about, and how to best access it. One of the readings for this weeks assignment was on the importance of social media. This gave me a different perspective on why the media is a great way to reach new people. I am wanting to learn different ways to grow different clients accounts and I really feel like Hootsuit will help.

I am so excited about my client project! This week I reached out to a friend of mine who is a new hairstylist. She currently has an Instagram page where she likes to display the new hairstyles she is trying. I am hoping to take her feed to a new level by setting up posting times, making interactive feed, creating a feel and overall look for her page, and by starting a Facebook account were she can reach out to new potential clients. We are both veery excited to see how this project will grow her brand.

My Media Brand

As I grow my knowledge in social media marketing I think its important to view my personal accounts and understand the brand I am creating for myself. When I typed my full name into Google I found nothing actually related to my online accounts. I realized that for the majority of my life I went by the name “Addie,”  which made it more difficult to find myself. After a more thorough search I was able to find a link that sent me right to my Facebook account. Because I don’t have any private settings set up it was pretty easy to see the basic information about me: my age, birthday, where I work, where I live, and where I am attending school. However, I did struggle trying to find my Instagram off of a Google search because I have a different form of my name on that account. Also since I haven’t been active on twitter in about four years I couldn’t find that account at all. Because I prefer to use Instagram more, Twitter was never something I invested my time in. 

Because I am so into creating interesting social media posts, I am hoping to make my “brand” easier to find. I think a way to start this is by changing my usernames to the same thing. I also think it would be beneficial if I promoted similar content for each of my media sites. I hope this class will help me learn how to curate interesting feed that targets my audience. I hope this shows were my passions are, and what I am hoping to achieve. 

My Strengths

Earlier today I had the opportunity to take a “Strengths Finder” test. In the past I have taken test similar to this before, but the results I received were very helpful in explaining what I am good at and why. I believe the results were accurate in showing what I enjoy and what I am good at. The first theme was Context. Typically this represents people that enjoy history, looking at the past and learning from it. I definitely feel that history can teach us almost everything we need to know. I often learn best from viewing others past mistakes and viewing what I can change to be more successful. When it comes to creating I usually look through previous posts to see what was successful, and what people seemed to enjoy most, then taking the next steps to include those results into what I was making.

My second theme was Futuristic. I thought it was kinda funny that context and futuristic were next to each other because they sort of contradict each other. Like it sounds, the futuristic type looks to the future, inspired by whats to come, and often dream about what their next steps will be. I think I look forward to the future, and base a lot of my decisions off of how it will affect my life in the long run. When it comes to social media, it is always important to be one step ahead. I try to look for trends that are approaching to I can adapt to them when they peek.

I also found that I am a strong maximizer. This is useful in that I am able to view a groups strengths, and use them all beneficially. I found that this is helpful when working with a team that everyone is able to do what they are actually good at. This can often save time and reap the best results.

Similar to maximizer, I also was labeled as a strong individualizer. Viewing people as a unique individual and creating their site based off of who they are and what they like is really valuable in the social media marketing world. I hope to be able to leverage this strength in this class by figuring out different ways people work best together.

Last but definitely not least is the strength of analyzing. This fit me to a T. I find that I am often searching for the genuine reason behind a cause. I believe this could be a useful strength in my social media marketing future. I think its important to look at what is currently popular in the media world and why. Finding the “why” will help in knowing how to create posts that will attract a certain crowd.

I really enjoyed finding and understanding my strengths. I believe knowing that you are good at could help you grow in many different ways.

My Introduction

Hello friends! As you probably have noticed my name is Addison Dayle, (Dayle being my middle name.) This is my second year attending Johnson County community College. My declared major is Liberal Arts, however I am hoping to one day achieve a degree in Social Media Marketing.

My interest in this field sparked when I began sharing my photography by using Instagram. I began creating a “theme” for all my posts, learning different ways to edit and adjust exposure and lighting to give my page a cohesive flow. I enjoyed promoting my skills, and hoped to one day do it at a professional level. At the beginning of this year I was offered a job as the social media director for a local church. I have really enjoyed this opportunity and would love to grow my knowledge on the subject.

I hope this course will teach me how to properly use the many media outlets we all have access to, as well as show me how to expand on the techniques I have been using. And I would love to learn how to create better consistent cohesive feed.


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