Hello JCCC Vistors

Welcome to my ePortfolio at Johnson County Community College Sites.

If you have any feedback please feel free to post your comments. I have included all my student evaluations at JCCC including the comments. I also included the original PDF files. I will keep updating the evaluations each semester. I have just posted Fall 18 feedback and noticed a lot of comments about the ethical hacking course labs. I will be looking for new labs/textbook for Fall 19. I used NISGCT Ethical Hacking lab series developed by Moraine Valley CC in 2015 and implemented in NDG Netlab+. However, new hacking methods are developed and some of the Labs are considered outdated. NDG developed Ethical hacking lab series but they are too brief. I have used two different textbooks written to address the EC-Council CEHv9 exam but I was not happy with either textbook. The review questions at the end of each chapter are poor and some answers are not correct. I even enrolled in an Ethical Hacking Course at another community college to see the labs/textbook they are using. I will start teaching the cybersecurity course (CompTIA Security+) in the fall of 2019. I found the course overlap with the ethical hacking course and can replace the ethical hacking course in the future. I will use the Security+ NDG lab which I found comprehensive.