Skill Assessment

I included Final Skill Assessment as an important part for all my courses. For courses which uses Cisco Academy, I modified the Academy Final Skill Assessment which is implemented in NDG netlab+. This is a comprehensive skill assessment which demonstrate the student capability to perform a network configuration without step-by-step instructions. The link below shows the Final Skill Assessment I used for IT 140-382 Fall 2018. IT 140-382 Fall 2018 Final Skill Assessment-2kfx8ab

In the Linux Administration course (IT 231), I use four skill assessment per semester to make sure students can perform the task without step-by-step instructions. The links below shows the three monthly skill assessments and the final skill assessment I used for Fall 2018.

Skill Assessment #1: IT 231-376 Skill Assessment #1 Fall 18-s23f0l

Skill Assessment #2: IT 231-376 Skill Assessment #2 Fall 2018-220lanm

Skill Assessment #3: IT 231-376 Skill Assessment #3 Fall 18-1is9udd

Final Skill Assessment: IT 231-376 Final Skill Assessment Fall 18 -2fr8c5o

In addition to the skill assessment I started developing new projects for the Linux administration class to meet some department requirements. The focus of the projects is scripting using Bash scripts and Python Scripts. For the fall 2018 I developed two projects, and I intend to develop few more next semester. The links below shows the two projects.

Project#4- Bash Scripts: Project#4 Bash Scripts Fall 2018-14hozl9

Project#3-Python Scripts: IT 231-Project 3A Python Scripts-22pyvbu