
  1. Pre and Post assessments for oral health presentation in Dental Public Health
  • I had the opportunity to personally hand out my pre assessments to the 5th grade class I had the pleasure of working with. It was extremely fascinating to watch how the 5th graders determined their answers. This gave me some insight on their knowledge of tobacco, brushing and flossing. After collecting and reviewing the 5th graders pre-assessments this stipulated me with the chance to modify my lesson plan to best suit the needed knowledge of these students. This was challenging to me because I had dealt with children in clinic before, but with a parent nearby who could help explain what was happening and the finer points of dental hygiene. Here, I had to learn to communicate with these children in a way that would be easy to understand but also educate them on subject matters they didn’t know or never even thought about. It was a lot of fun watching the children learn, and gave me great insight into how to change my vocabulary in a way that was still educational but understandable.
  • After the conclusion of my lesson plan. I handed out my post-assessment which was used as my evaluation method to see how impactful the delivery my lesson plan was. I was pleased the 5th graders had a better understanding of tobacco and be able to make connections as to why the use of tobacco is detrimental and why developing good oral habits is so important. Most of my goals and objectives were met. This gave me great encouragement when it came to patient education- not only had they progressed from where they were previously, the children in the class could even demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques. It is one thing to be able to regurgitate information they learned onto a sheet of paper, but being able to show me that they could learn proper dental habits was very enlightening to me.

Johnson County Community College