
  1. Kansas State Capitol Lobby Day 2018
  • The purpose of the Dental Hygiene Students being a part of 2018 Kansas State Capitol Day 2018 was to experience the legal side of Dentistry and to learn what it means to be an advocate. In January of 2018, I had the opportunity to learn of a possible new position that may change the world of dentistry. The position- a dental therapist. This day we had the pleasure of meeting with some of our state legislators and the opportunity to tell them directly why the position of a dental therapist would be so beneficial to our state, especially in the areas of our state where dental access is not the norm. I am proud to say on this day I supported fairness and justice and I had the opportunity to have my voice heard.

2. Mayo Clinic Video

  • The Mayo Clinic Video is a documentary of the world-famous Mayo clinic. This video tells the history of the facility and how it has modernized the practice of health care. This video is definitely a highlight of my student career because it made realize the real reason why I decided to get into a healthcare related field. This video warmed my heart to know there are others with the same intentions as I have- to better the world. The clinic’s motto “Hope-Faith-and Science” will forever live inside of me.

3. Continuing Education Class

  • The opportunity to attend a continuing education class was given to us during the program at Johnson County Community College. The topics covered during this course were about new periodontal laws, and parafunctional habits. I am excited to see these new changes occur. Going to this course gave me a glimpse of what future continuing education courses will be like.  It was very neat to see how close and narrow the dental  world is and what great things can occur with close relationships. I am happy to know I am going to be part of a community of life learners.


Johnson County Community College