My 5 Strengths

When I took the Clifton Strengths test, I got these words as my result.

Futuristic- This word describes me as always looking to the future. This class could help me determine if I want to further this as a job in the future.

Adaptability- I am willing to adapt to certain situations, also known as “going with the flow”.  Sometimes when online assignments wont work, you have to wing it and go with the flow. That also applies to your work space.

Includer- This means making sure everyone is included in certain situations.  Its good to accept people no matter who they are. In life, you’ll be working with many different types of people, and you should always treat them how you want to be treated.

Maximizer- This means putting yourself around people who respect and accept you for who you are. Why put yourself around people who make you feel down?Sometimes it’s okay to cut out those bad people in your life.

Consistency- This is much similar to the “includer”. This goes with treating others the way you want to be treated. This shows that I am content with my work when I present it to the best of my abilities.

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