The Most Valuable Lessons I Learned from This Semester

Overall, I found this most of the lessons covered in this course to be interesting and something I can use moving forward. There are a couple that stood out from the rest, however.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing is fascinating because it focuses on more than just advertising for the business, it focuses on building loyalty with the audience. It’s important to build and maintain a loyal following on the various social media platforms. The best way to do that is to maintain interest and encourage engagement.

Personal Branding:

The lesson covered on personal branding prompted me to seriously consider how I want to be perceived by others, both personally and professionally. The lesson helped me to realize how important it is to begin preparing for the career I want now instead of waiting until I am almost finished with my degree.

Hootsuite Platform Certification:

One of the goals I set out to achieve this semester was to earn certification through Hootsuite’s social media platform manager. Becoming knowledgeable of how to navigate and effectively use this social media platform manager will enable me to efficiently compose and publish posts for multiple social media accounts at the same time all in one place.

I will happy to announce that I have obtained the Hootsuite Platform Certification

Using Hootsuite:

Moving forward, I can see myself using Hootsuite as a time-saving business tool when posting for businesses that I work for. Not only is it a great tool for composing and publishing posts to multiple social media profiles, but it also allows me to create reports for tracking insights on the posts that I make. Seeing which posts receive positive responses from my audience will help me to develop effective social media marketing strategies in the future.

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