Blog Reflection 16

During this class I learned a lot of new and interesting ways of developing marketing on social media. Some of the lessons in this class where completely new to me and the others I have heard or seen before but have never tried/used them on my accounts. This class is a really good class to have under your belt because social media is here to last for a very long or forever. Everything that you learn now about marketing well help set you up to have a successful personal account and potential own business account if you chose so in the future.

Knowing this information with the knowledge from this class gives me personally a lot of opportunities for the future. I learned so many things in this class, such as all of the social media accounts, how they are used and operated, the best way to post, when and how to post, and what to do to grab audience attention. I believe that the best lesson about this class and Hootsuite is the strategy they give you to give you the best chance at social media marketing success and growth. This was valuable and encouraging to learn because it was something that I have never heard of and gave the best growth overall for me. At the beginning of this class, I thought that it was going to be challenge because of the business project that we would have to do, and I was completely sure if it would be anything like I thought it was going to be. This was the biggest challenge for me because I didn’t want to choose someone and learn about all of these great and interesting things and have them not want me to change much which would be a bummer. So, I believe that my own sister would help me with this, with an empty template and something to start, which might be a little easier. Although I thought she would be the best pick to use, it wasn’t. Shortly after we kind of ran into problems in personal life, nothing was wrong with the business or marketing. She’s my half sibling and she has other half siblings as well besides me, one of them got very ill with cancer and was in the hospital a lot and my sister was the only family that could go and see/help him a lot and unfortunately has passed. So, because of this she couldn’t give as much time in the day as she would have liked into what she wanted with this business/project. Overall, for my personal social media, the only real challenge that I had was the thought of this not being able to work and having the anxiety of posting on social media just because I don’t do it very often and I sometimes second guess the picture or the post. But, after learning more and more I grew out of that and it really turned around for me.

At the beginning of the class, I was so excited because this was something that I have been wanting to learn for a while personal for my own social media presence. I could learn how to post with the best of my ability and have a better social media because recently before this class I wasn’t doing much on social media and I wanted to change that around. After learning some of the lessons on Hootsuite I decided to post a picture on my persona social media account learning so of the things from Hootsuite such as time to post and the effects with my picture to see the results compared to my other posts from before this class. After a while I saw that more people noticed that picture more and I was shocked because it was so interesting to see the results. As I kept seeing the results happening, I was interested more and more in the class and the lessons because it was working, and I thought that I could just keep it growing which was something that was very good for me because before this class I didn’t post much because I just didn’t see the point and didn’t really want to. After this class, my personal social media will forever be changed and I’m happy for that.

My strategy moving forward is to keep posting with the same information that I learned from this class but continue to learn more about social media and others who post because I know for the future, I will need to know this information because it’s so valuable. Social media is here to stay, and, in the future, I see it becoming more valuable than it is today, more people will use it and it will be used more for business as well. I was never a big blog person before this class, but after I believe that I will start doing it more often because it was fun to do so and write about interesting things that I learned about. I would like to continue to be able to reach people on my personal social media that like the same things as I do, this would be amazing because then I could learn more information about them as well as about their own personal ways of social media posting. I would also like to use more social media apps/accounts as well because currently I only use a couple, but I would like to use more because it would open my social media eye more which would be a great thing to have and also learn about as well.


Blog Reflection 15

During this semester in my class Intro to Social Media Marketing I learned many things about social media marketing and in this blog I am going to share some of the important things that were very important and valuable to learn. In today’s world social media is a very important and is used every single day worldwide for personal and business use. You see social media everyday, multiple times a day and it can change the way you think or see something and also sell you into buying or investing into a business. At the beginning of this semester I was super confused on this course and did not know if this was going to be interesting to me or this was going to be stressful for me. When we first found out that we had to find a client to help with this class I personally thought that was going to be really hard because who would want to have someone else control there social media page?

At the beginning of this project it was kinda hard to find a client, even know what to do or what to post for their social media account. One thing that really helped during the start of the project was the videos and assignments that we would have to do weekly inside of the class. This was something that would teach us the best techniques on how to post, when, and who to look for in your audience. We decided on using the 3 social media networks of Twitter, Instagram, and the all new and popular app TikTok. Because my client was a new business, we had to start a new social media account for each of the following social media networks and start from scratch which in a way was a good thing to learn and accomplish. The learning platform HootSuite was something that I have never heard about before but it was very interesting and it came in really handle to learn from.

This was a really fun project to learn about and start from our own start. I learned so much about social media through this process for businesses and also for my own personal self which is something that is very valuable in today’s world. I’m sure that there is still a lot more to learn about social media marketing but from just this class I have learned a lot and I can’t wait to continue using it everyday.

Social Media Client Final

Blog Reflection 13

I could see myself using the Hootsuite platform to make more posts in more interesting ways than some other apps. There’s so many options that you can use in Hootsuite and it’s all very valuable in each of their own ways. I could also see my client using it in the same way in the future as well. Using the platform to make posts and schedule posts for them to be for efficient and make it just a little bit better for time management.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Blog Reflection 12

I’ve learned many lessons that I would have never thought I would first coming into this class at the beginning of the year. The one thing that pulled me in was learning how to input posts from Hootsuite into different apps. Making them and then proceeding to add them to other social media apps was something that I never thought that you could do. To be honest, all of the modules were valuable in their own way and it overall was very helpful.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Blog Reflection 11 Part 2

This campaign is to target the people who are looking to make custom t-shirts for any occasion. I know in my family some of them like to make custom t-shirts for family events and this is the perfect situation. Depending on how many shirts and the certain design the price changes. The more shirts bought could give you a smaller price.

Blog Reflection 11 Part 1

To find out which social media ads are targeting me, I went to Instagram which is one of my most used social media accounts to find out. When scrolling through my feed I find a lot of sponsored ads for a company called 80eighty. This is a business that does a lot of work on cars and they have started doing giveaways for vehicles that are modded(upgraded). This ad is effective because it’s sponsored which means that it pops up on my feed many times in a sitting while scrolling through Instagram. They also have really good vides which draw you in with interest.I believe that a company can track their social media ads but viewing the insights of their posts and how many people like/share/comment/view their profile and how many people purchase something to enter the giveaway. Also if it’s viewable they can see how many people go to their website and notice the people buying into their giveaways. Another ad that I see on my social media accounts if a man that I follow who is a youtuber and does giveaways to lucky fans. He’s youtube is all about shoes and the really popular shoes that come out to the public market. He partners with other businesses to do giveaways and all you have to do is like, share, and follow. He connects a lot to his followers and that’s how I believe he is so effective. He also tracks his effectiveness like the other account, with the amount of people he can see in his posts’ insights and the people following the accounts.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Blog Reflection 10

I believe a topic that my client’s audience would in interested in is a how-to such as an article or video over how t-shirt designs are made and published. Of course everywhere you look there are t-shirts, but have you ever thought about how they are made and what they do to make such a cool design or a mass of the same looking shirts? Also all of the thought process that has to go into developing how you are going to release them on to social media. I never knew what it was like until I saw the way they are made and it’s really interesting to watch and learn. Also another plus is that you can even make your own t-shirts to your personal design wear or sell them.

This is an image that I found on the internet that kinda explains an option that you would be able to do but not be able to personal design. It has different colors and different designs which you could pick and change around. But also in my How to Start a T-shirt Business: Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide

Instagram: For Instagram, I would post them on the account and on the story feature and have close friends first share the story to create some attention for the post.

Twitter: For Twitter and people with question this is how I would be able to answer and share.

TikTok: Here I would start with the first image like this and then show the outcome of how they are made and the measures that go into making them.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Week 9 Blog

Content marketing is posting on social media accounts with pictures and videos/blogs, while posting on the social media accounts you are not promoting the brand but you are stimulating interest in the brand. So while you are posting about the brand and stimulating interest for that brand you are not promoting the brand in the way that other brands are promoted. I’ve seen a lot of content marketing just from watching youtube. A lot of bloggers that I watch use content marketing such as a youtuber that I watch named the Stradman, he uses content marketing in his videos when he is using something but is not sponsored by them. Contenting marketing is successful because the brand is being promoted and the person posting is also getting social media outlook and views. On both sides content marketing is very successful.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Week 8 Blog

Because this is a new account the first week a good goal to set in followers is 20 just because it is a brand new account. This amount of followers are a good base line for the first week. The second week a number we would like to reach is about 30-40 followers. On the third week the final followers we would like to reach would be 50 followers. Hopefully with enough posting and objectives for people to like they will follow.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Week 7 Blog

The social community that involves my clients industry is a mixture of business and fun. My client is t-shirts, which is something that is a mixture of sports shirts, business shirts to wear, or just fun things that you want on a shirt. What makes this social community successful is demand, because without people wanting to use shirts for their own preference than the business would not be successful. Some tactics are keeping social media posts going and staying connected to people in the community to know them interests and deals for their type of fun/business. You could apply this in social media accounts and getting involved in the community. The more people that you know the faster your industry strategy can grow.


Thank you, Alex Quillen