Week 5 Blog Reflection

My client and I sat down and talked about what we would like to do for her social media page, as she is new she doesn’t know much about social media accounts/profiles for a business. Because we are new to this, we decided to take this day by day and work together to start this. This gives us an opportunity to see others social media accounts and brainstorm great ideas for the start. We plan on working together to get her business running into the public instead of just giving her skills to close family and friends. We are working on planning out a schedule for content/posts for later this week to be posted and the right times to post them which we hope will catch the most attention. We have a lot goals and objectives that we hope to meet because this is interesting to us both and I really hope I can help her business grow. We are both looking forward to seeing if this process works.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

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