Week 5 Blog Reflection

My client and I sat down and talked about what we would like to do for her social media page, as she is new she doesn’t know much about social media accounts/profiles for a business. Because we are new to this, we decided to take this day by day and work together to start this. This gives us an opportunity to see others social media accounts and brainstorm great ideas for the start. We plan on working together to get her business running into the public instead of just giving her skills to close family and friends. We are working on planning out a schedule for content/posts for later this week to be posted and the right times to post them which we hope will catch the most attention. We have a lot goals and objectives that we hope to meet because this is interesting to us both and I really hope I can help her business grow. We are both looking forward to seeing if this process works.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Week 4 Blog

For my client, she is new and does not have any social media for her company. I believe that this is a better way for me because I can create for her and she doesn’t have to trust me with her already created accounts. To start I choose three of what I believe are the easiest accounts for views and attention; Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok. All of these accounts are very important to access even for new people. This was a little bit harder than I thought but it was overall fun and exciting to do for the first time for someone else rather than myself. All of the videos over social media accounts was also very interesting and helpful to remind me of new things to do and how to set up an account. This was something that was interesting because I had to create an account for someone other than myself and set it up for their business.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Blog Reflection Week #3/Part 2

The client that I have selected for my project is my sister because she just found out that she likes making t-shirts which is really fun and cool to do. She is taking a different step in her life and she wants to find something fun and cool to do at her house. She makes t-shirts for all of my family but she wants to do more. She is not the smartest when it comes to social media and I thought that this would be the perfect time for me to help because of this class. I believe that Facebook and Instagram would be the best thing for her business because they are the easier for her and they’re very easy to share and grab the attention of others that use it daily. I really hope that this can help her out and I can learn from this as well.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Blog Reflection Week #3/Part 1

This week I learned about the ins and outs of social media marketing and sites that are used for them. The big social media platforms are Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Most of these platforms are very understandable to me, but Facebook and Twitter are my weakest just because I don’t post much on these. I learned how all of these social media platforms are used to capture the audiences attention and feed individuals news. It’s interesting to see how all of these platforms have risen in value and also how they keep thinking of new ideas to keep their worth up such as Instagram allowing you to reach 3rd parties in their own app which is very neat.

I want to learn how the more stages of social media marketing and platforms. What else is going on behind the scenes that individuals do not see. Such as what to post, when to post it, and how to post it to get the best meaning out of what you are trying to spread. Everything that goes into this is just so interesting because you don’t see this side of social media and it’s cool to see how it can happen.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Online Brand

When I looked myself up on Google, I had an idea of what may be on there. Such as social media accounts and then posts about basketball updates and headlines. To my surprise, the only thing that was there was basketball headlines and not too many of my social media accounts. Which is understandable because recently I have been staying off of social media/posting to focus on other things in my day such as family, friends, school, and work. Mostly on the internet when you look my name up is basketball scores and articles about high school basketball from our local paper and other schools local papers. My goals for this semester is to restart my online brand and make something special of it and work my way to becoming better at online branding myself and showing my face to social media like I did before. Posting things that interest me and using more social media accounts as well.


Thank you, Alex Quillen


According to My CliftonStrenths, my top 5 strengths are: achiever, competition, includer, analytical, and harmony. I can say that I get competition, includer, and achiever from playing sports growing up, the drive that I have would make me work really hard to be the best player and teammate that I could be. This really helps me out in school because I work really hard to be the best person that I can be and I push myself to do the best work. Also helping someone out that is having trouble with school is something that I could do if they asked for that help. These goals can help me out in the future by helping me because the best person that I am and helping me work hard for what needs to be done in my line work or success. Some of my strengths that I saw when I looked my strengths up online are: trustworthiness, creativity, and dedication. I believe that all of these strengths describe me because I am a hard worker and I’m dedicated to getting objectives done daily. My goals this semester are to be the best student and worker that I can be and as-well to learn a lot from college by dividing up my team for the best results.


Thank you, Alex Quillen

Blog Introduction

Hello, my name is Loyal Quillen, but I go by my middle name, Alex. This year I am a freshman in college and this is all really new to me. My major is in web development and digital media. Throughout high school, I took many web development classes to see how it was and if I was interested in it. I liked some of the things that we did and it grew on me. As a freshman, I don’t have much marketing background because it was not available to me in high school.

I am taking this course to learn more about the side of social media marketing and to understand how it all works. Social media is an everyday experience now and the majority of people use it. If everyone is utilizing to it today, then more and more will be attached to it in the future and it will have a greater impact on everyone. The three things I am hoping to learn from this class are how to market social media well and for others to understand, how social media effects everyone in the world, and the difference between good and bad social media marketing.


Thank you, Alex Quillen.

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