Personal Branding Review

Personal Branding Review Silas T. Williams This semester, I focused my personal branding on three distinct social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Each has its own abilities and resulting uses. Here is an outline of how (and how frequently) I use each channel. Facebook…

Hootsuite Certificate

In the field of social media marketing, I found myself most drawn to content creation. I’ve long had an interest in graphic design and an eye for aesthetics. Combining this with commercial media production is exciting and enjoyable to me. I particularly enjoy a more…

Client Summary

Here is the summary of my client project this semester: I actually ended up veering from what I hypothesized considerably as I began implementing things. For instance, I originally set out to post more frequently on all of my channels. After experimenting, I found…

Advertising Campaign

This ad was actually originally created for my advertising class. I have edited the image and modified the format slightly for each platform. It was designed to enhance branding and create more overall awareness. I am not attempting to sell a particular product (though the…

Quality Advertising

As a fairly active social media user, I am exposed to many different advertisements throughout the day. I can explain which I find particularly effective and use this to craft ads for my own projects. I find that ads with very specific target audiences are…

Blog Post Example

Since this blog post is very visual, on each platform I would share this picture along with the caption… Click here to see full coverage of the summer 2016 wrap-up meet.   BLOG POST:   This 350Z on air suspension was the first things that caught…

Insincerely Content Marketing

Content marketing is the creation of online content that stimulates interest in your brand without explicitly promoting a product. It can take the form of blogs, entertaining posts, or aggregate content from various resources or your own followers. Examples of content marketing used frequently include industry related…

Social Media Goals

Instagram: Function — Community Instagram is the platform that I actively try to grow. I’ve mentioned previously that visual content is the most powerful for my particular merchandise, interest field, and target market. I currently have around 250 followers, and I would like to expand it…

Brand Community: No Style 666

BRAND COMMUNITY: NO STYLE 666 –       No Style is a content aggregate and small merch shop. Products include a variety of clothing, stickers, and Japan related artifacts. The business is based out of Australia. No Style has two primary channels that…

Personal Branding

Personal brand statement: I use my intelligence, skills, and drive to entertain, inspire, and solve problems for individuals with a similar lifestyle. Personal Social Media Strategy: As a marketer, I plan on letting my portfolio and client work speak for my skills and personal touch. My…