Here is the summary of my client project this semester:
I actually ended up veering from what I hypothesized considerably as I began implementing things. For instance, I originally set out to post more frequently on all of my channels. After experimenting, I found I had better success on Instagram with fewer posts. Not only that, but I also feel my page represents my brand better with higher quality content.
Another practice I tried on Instagram is direct sales. I would comment on peoples’ posts informing them of my products and offerings. I had very little resistance and have actually increased sales substantially through this technique. It takes some time as I do not simply comment on everyone’s posts. I look for people who I think would be particuarily good customers. But in the end, it pays off.
Much as I guessed at the beginning of the semester, my Facebook page has had little to no growth. I have not posted frequently, though I do maintain it. I gained a total of 6 likes over the semester, likely from my marketing materials included with order fulfillment. I attempted to run a couple advertisements. One had decent engagement but no additional page likes or sales. The other, the one from the campaign I designed, was rejected — presumably for the mention of alcohol. Facebook is simply not organic enough, too cumbersome, and not engaging enough for it to be useful for my target market.
Overall, I’ve increased my website views by 10 times since the start of the semester. I’ve gained over 80 followers on Instagram, and I’ve converted quite a few potential customers. I know what works and what doesn’t. My channels, although not all successful, are all uniform and consistent. I feel I am accurately representing my brand across all channels now.
Great reflection, Silas! Love that you adjusted your strategy to what you were discovering worked for you/your client in regard to content strategy. All the best to you in your business!