Over the course of this semester, I have gained some helpful knowledge on social media. I learned just how quick it is to publish a bad image, how challenging it can be to gain a following, how hashtags and click through links can help boost engagement, as well as how to market yourself towards a specific audience. But what caught me off guard was how often employers check your social media accounts before even following through with an interview. There’s been many times where I’ve seen people post something incredibly stupid and downright disrespectful, and get turned away from a job. Not only that, but those employers can also note to other potential employers about such actions as well. That’s been the lesson that’s stuck with me the most. Nothing truly disappears with social media. One screenshot is all it takes. Attached is the report I completed on my client.
It is hard to read your report. Be sure to upload the actual document too.
How do I upload the document? It wouldn’t give me the option to upload it when I tried to.