Content Marketing

This week was I was able to deeply study content marketing. I was able to find the value of this method, and how it can be beneficial for companies. Content marketing is using media content that represents important information and stays up to date with popular trends. This technique helps companies reach out to their current audience, as well as grow their community. Content marketing can be a range of videos, pictures, or even graphics that incorporates information about the company. It can also give an impactful impression on the audience, making it memorable. This past week I have seen several companies use content marketing to promote their new clothing line. The company is a boutique that often comes out with new releases throughout the week, instead of doing the usual Instagram story displaying the new line, they paired the clothing items with different Halloween accessories to promote their clothes, as well as give fun costume ideas. The brand designed fun content and even added a giveaway using several of the costumes.  I also noticed a health food company using content marketing by providing information on their sites about the benefits of their products. They were able to give useful information, as well as make a good connection with their community. This method seemed to be successful because I was noticing a growth in their media following, as well as multiple retweets, which helped the store’s name get out even more. It also really helps to plant out the content marketing information, instead of doing media posts last minute. hairbychercalender -1p1vxd3 

Above I have added the link to the content calendar I have made for my client.

1 Comment on Content Marketing

  1. Prof B
    November 2, 2018 at 9:04 pm (6 years ago)

    EXCELLENT job on your calendar, Addison!


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