Blog 11: Social Media Advertisement

I follow many small and large business accounts on my social media platforms. I have noticed after digging deeper in the logistics of advertisements, that I have noticed different types hoping up on my feeds. A clothing store I follow called “Madewell” has recently created an ad about the different types of denim jeans they sell and the deals they offer when you turn in your old jeans. I think the ad was very beneficial for this company by portraying what it offers, as well as boosting its credibility by recycling used denim. Another example of targeted advertising on my personal account was from vista print. The ad ran on Facebook, and had the “sponsored” tag under the accounts name. The ad listed its price for personalized business cards along with a discount promo code that was given after the user clicks on their link. Vista print used several creative photos giving examples of what the business cards could look like, making the ad interesting to view. I really felt like this type of advertising was useful in catching the eye of a viewer, and giving incentive to click on the link they had provided. Along with companies using their business accounts to promote ads on social media, I also see many Influencers I follow creating sponsored ads in unique ways that it’s almost not noticeable. They do this by taking a picture or video of the product/company that matches their current media theme, then explain how they use the product or why they love it. They also typically give a promo code for their followers to use to get a discount. This method targets a majority of the younger generation because most influencers are on Youtube or Instagram. And I believe the promo code helps the company figure out where their customers are coming from. From what I have learned this week, companies can track their ads by Facebook and Twitter business account metrics that track the ads, and show who it has targeted. 

For my client, I created two mock advertisements based off of the clientele she is targeting. 

This ad is promoting the sale my client’s salon is having and shows an example of her work. This ad is targeting women and has a smaller budget of $50. This ad would be used on LInkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


This ad was made specifically for Instagram, where you can post multiple photos at once creating a “swipe” option. The targeted audience is current clients, as well as future clientele. the ad explains the services the salon provides, their prices, and the hours they are available. Even though the ad was made for Instagram, I feel like it could still grab eyes on Facebook and LinkedIn.

1 Comment on Blog 11: Social Media Advertisement

  1. Professor B.
    November 12, 2018 at 9:11 pm (6 years ago)

    I like the minimalist look you went with in designing your ads — it seems like it would “fit” the style of who you’re targeting. Nice work!


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