Final Project

Addison Horsley 

Marketing 146

Professor Splide 

November 18, 2018

Client Project 

During the corse of this semester I have had the exciting privilege to work on the media accounts for a company while I was learning the different aspects to social media marketing. My client is a hair and makeup stylists located in the Kansas City area. and consists of doing the basic hair cuts, as well as makeup and styled hair looks for photoshoots and weddings.Though she does work at a salon, the clients she has and what she makes is entirely based off of the clientele she attracts, making the media posts and frequency crucial to getting her name out onto social media platforms. When I started managing her accounts, the average post amount was one post a month, receiving 12 to 18 likes, and occasionally a few comments. She had 98, and was following 122 different accounts, mainly other hairstylists in the area. The only platform my client was on, was Instagram. My original strategy was to create an active account on LinkedIn, where my client would be able to connect with other stylists in the area, as well as promote her business and establish her brand. The other idea I had I had hoped to use was to create a Twitter account where she could connect with current clients, as well as future consumers and establish a format where they could learn more about her brand. However, the client I was working with later voiced that she would rather only be active on Instagram, and occasionally Facebook. So my new strategy became to grow her brand name on Instagram by posting more frequently, growing the number of followers, and creating curated content related to her work. To do achieve this, I made several changes as well as added some new aspects to the media style she currently had. I sat with my client and discussed the ideas to make sure she was comfortable with these plans before I moved forward. The first change I made was her logo. I was hoping to create a minimalistic look and something that was easily definable. The first look we came up with the idea to have the “A” be a slanted line, making her name distinct. Below is the logo we created and used as her profile Image. 


A few weeks ago I found a similar account that had a logo very similar to my clients. This led to the decision to change up the look a bit to keep originality. Below is the new image I was able to craft.  



Another strategy I implemented for her Instagram was to change it to a business account. This helped me view the insight on the activity the account was receiving. Using these analytics I was able to view the average age and gender of her main audience, as well as when her followers were most active. After monitoring the activity, I noticed the traffic on the feed would grow when I would use Instagram’s Story feature to promote a new post. This led to me opening a Highlight reel where people could view the new posts that were mentioned in her Story’s. This grew the traffic to her actual page and led to a higher average in likes. 

This was the most recent post when I took over, It has eleven likes.   



This was one of the posts after I had made some media changes on her account. It has forty-two likes. 



Because her original following was low, I used some basic tactics to inform people about her business account. The first thing was to have her post about her new business account onto her private Instagram page. 





 These were a couple of the posts I had her use. Another way I tried to grow her following was by following friends and family members that followed her personal pages. Both of these methods helped people recognize her account. 

What I found very challenging thought this process was convincing my client of the benefits of having an active media profile. Because she wasn’t comfortable with most media outlets, the only one I had easy access to was Instagram. I would highly recommend leveraging the other popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, for my client. I think those sites are very useful when starting a business. I also think that an easy way to continue growing her clientele would be to open and use a youtube channel. Youtube would be a fun and easy way to post tutorials and different hair and makeup look so people can see the amazing work she does. 

I have learned so much throughout this entire semester about marketing and communicating. Though there were several challenges, I really enjoyed applying different methods I was taught throughout this course on my client’s account. I really hope to continue working with her and progressing her brand name. 

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