Meeting with my client

Earlier this week I had the chance to meet up with the owner of the media accounts I have been running throughout the course of this semester. I was able to present my client project, as well as discuss the growth and changes that took place due to the new systems I implemented. We then went over what she liked, what she didn’t like, and what we were hoping to use in the future. My client really liked the content calendar I had created. She explained that it was an easy way for her to see the activity that would be happening on her accounts in an easy way. We both agreed that we had hoped to see a more interactive community in the comments, and that will be our main goal moving forward. She told me that she liked the images I had produced for her accounts, and hoped I would continue to help her out in the future. I learned that it is really important to communicate with the client, as well as explain in full detail what will be posted on their accounts and how it will help their brand. I think if I were to have done something different, it would have been to set up a weekly phone, or in person meeting with my client. Most of our conversations took place over text, and often times important information was misunderstood. One of the things we agreed worked best were the flyers/adds that were made to promote her account. I was able to make another mockup add that I have included below. This add shows her profile names on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in a simplified way. It also has an image of one of her models which shows off the work she has done in the past and includes her booking number.

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