Reflection 10

For my ad, I chose Ellen’s Bridal in Wabash. My concept was to focus on the other items they sell in the boutique other than dresses. I saw on their website that they sell jewelry. I thought that it would be good to focus on jewelry by having a sale and maybe customers coming in for the jewelry sale might see a dress they like for themselves, bridal party or even mother of the bride. To grab attention I thought playing off Breakfast at Tiffany’s would be a fun idea. For the breakfast element, I thought a brunch bar would be good to bring customers in the doors. Then as part of the Tiffany’s theme, they would receive a blue box similar to how Tiffany & Co boxes his jewelry and how ever much jewelry they can fit in the box would receive the 20% discount. In hindsight, after looking at the other ads in the classes I should have include more details about the event on the add like date, time and location. I edited it and added some more detail to it.

Reflection 7

Part 1 – What podcast/interview did you listen to?

I listened to the Tim Ferriss Show. He was interviewing Gary Keller, co-founder of Keller Williams real estate company. I chose this one because I am currently reading The Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller.

Part 2 – What type of questions did the interviewer ask? Or – what questions were answered?

Tim asked about his childhood and Gary answered. Gary had never originally planned to go to college but his parents wanted him to after a very brief attempt at being a musician. Tim also asked Gary why he decided to strike out on his own and what was one difficult situation he had face and how did he resolve it. Tims questions lead to anecdotes and are never just a yes or no response.

Part 3 – Who would you like to do your Informational Interview with this semester (mid-level in career; someone you could ask for 20 mins. from)? Draft up 5 – 10 questions you would ask them.

I would like to interview Heather Williams who I met with on Friday. She is the one who gave me the book I am reading  above. List of questions listed below.

  1. Why did you decide to go into real estate?
  2. How did you keep your business alive during the Great Recession?
  3. What are key skills needed in your industry?
  4. What is some advice you would give to a person wanting to get in the industry?
  5. How did you adapt your approach during COVID 19

Reflection 6

What are the key concepts/tips you’ll be applying to the emails you write in the future?

What brand do you enjoy receiving email from? Why?


The key concepts I plan to use is to use proper grammar and spell check. I was not aware before this that name dropping can actually help your communication and is appropriate to do so in a email. I also learning how to edit my emails so they sound more professional. I also plan to apply a signature to my emails. I enjoy emails from target. They always have what I need and use a lot of pictures and sales.

Reflection 5 – Experimental Marketing

1. What projects, internships, volunteer work or life experiences would help you develop and/or showcase skills for the jobs you shared last week?  What projects, internships, volunteer work have you done which already align with those employers’ needs?

My experience in sales I think will help when I transition into the Marketing industry. I believe developing better analytical skills will help in the industry.

2. What classes/certifications do you think would help you grow in confidence? If you had an extra 30 minutes-1 hour each day, what would you love to study or practice to advance yourself/career?

I think finishing my degree will help gain confidence. It is what a lot of positions require. If I had extra time, I would trend to research and practice current marketing trends. In school I learn of the traditional proven methods but it is hard to stay in what is happening right now.

3. Who would be someone you would enjoy interviewing to learn more about their work, company, and story? Identify two people you would like to reach out to. #informationalinterview

I would like to interview Warren Buffet and Gary Vaynerchuk

As a side note – I’ve visited with plenty of employers who have said if a job applicant can PROVE their work/ability, they would (and have) hire them over another candiate with the Bachelors degree and no proof of work.

Week 4 Reflection: LinkedIn/Career Discovery

After reading through this module and with my own personal experience, email etiquette is important because it reflects your professionalism. Many of the people you connect with on linkedin or even send emails to at work may be people you have never met or might never meet in person. You don’t know if you will connect with these people in the future and you want to make sure you leave the best impression possible. Spelling error and informal communication can lead to people believing your lack attention to detail and lack experience in a professional setting. These emails are important because they can lead to other opportunities.

For groups, I joined Pet Online Marketing Group, HVAC Jobs, Sales, Marketing, Management Acceleration Group, and Kansas City Marketing Professionals. The positions that stood out to me were, Marketing Manager, Product Manager and Brand Strategist. These positions are usually better paid because of the management level. The top skills desired for these positions were communication skills, organization skills, leadership skills and attention to detail. My strongest skills are my communication and attention to detail. My weakest is the leadership skills. I have had the opportunity to manger employees when I worked with Primrose but I often struggled with having difficult conversations with employees. This is a skill that I would have to develop.

Reflection 2


After conducting all of the personality tests, it seems my personality is very emotion based. I feel that it is accurate and I do interpret and make decision based on how I feel. My strengths were empathy, input, strategic, adaptability and developer. I also tested to have an INFP personality type which is introverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving. It is described as a personality that is visionary and dreamer. On the other tests I tested high in ethics and freedom which I still consider to be emotion based. I also tested high in creative and imagination. I think most important in achieving my goal are my trust and empathy. I plan to enter a marketing/sales based career that is based on building trust and relationship. The best way to achieve it is to be authentic, honest and to trust. My top five values are freedom, ethics, pleasure, trust and control. I believe control and freedom go hand in hand. I want to not be controlled and to feel free. I am passionate about enjoying life and being an honest creative person.

Blog Reflection 1 Introduction

My name is Alice. I am newly married and I have a seven year old daughter from my previous marriage. My cat, Mocha, is the baby of the house. I believe I am a sophomore in college now. I have taken so many breaks and major changes over the years it is hard to keep track. My major is in Marketing Management. I currently work in sales as a Sales Account Executive. I am currently looking for a new position that has more flexibility so I can focus on my education. I would like learn what experimental marketing is and it used today. I would like to learn more about the marketing industry and to better market myself and my skills. My hope is that after finish this degree I will have more self confidence in myself.

Week 13



I included my certificate above. I believe Hootsuite could be a very useful tool in managing social media. The fact that you can schedule post will help you when creating your content calendar. I could see this for Britney’s designs Kc because she is very busy and doesn’t have time to meet. Hootsuite would allow us to meet minimally and be able to prepare in advance. I believe the analytics component is useful as well for studying the audience and which posts have most engagement.

Week 12


This semester I have learned a lot. I think what was most fascinated was learning on the behind the scenes work that goes into a social media strategy. The analytics, SWAT, and so much more tools that you use to create a plan. What was also interesting was learning about what a brand really is and how much it effects the business. Social media accounts has such a large influence and some parts of it are measurable. I really enjoy making content but it is much more effective when you have the target audience in mind.

Week 11

Recently, the ads that have been targeting me are ads for jewelry. What makes the ads effective is the jewelry pieces they are selecting. They chose their most favorable pictures and popular items. They advertise a great price which is ultimately what makes me click the link. What would make it not effective is advertising items out of my price range. Companies can track the success right on Facebook by seeing how many people click the link onto their website. For some ads, you can have social commerce in place and they can purchase directly on the site. You can compare numbers on sales before the campaign was running and during.


Above is the ad I created for her page. The campaign is directly towards black Friday bargain shoppers. Many people shop in advance for Christmas gifts. We hope to fill up on custom orders for the season. Our target market for this ad to reach people looking for Christmas gifts for their female partners. We haven’t decided on a budget. With this being a side business her marketing budget is not very large.