Week 8 Reflection

When I spoke with Britney from Britney’s Designs KC, her goal was to generate enough sales to be able to quit her full time job. I believe social media can help generate this. I believe she has followers but she needs more engagement and more conversions. Her current Facebook has 528 followers. I would like to increase the followers by 100 a month. I think that is a good optimistic target. I think contest posts will help that a but I would also like to run a Facebook ad campaign. She has never attempted this and I believe it could really stretch her growth. I did not receive any tips from my classmates to apply to my strategy but I read other peoples comments. One classmate suggested to the other a collaboration with influencers in the Kansas City area. I would like to do this with the Instagram page. There is one influencer I follow in this area (@kasimjhardaway) that reviews a lot of restaurants but he also makes a lot of recipes. I believe, we would be able to work in the custom cup content into his content. The instagram has 143 followers. I would like to grow this number by 20. I think this is a slow start but I believe once achieved we can increase this. I plan to track the growth rate using the formula. Also, I am still waiting for her to choose which custom hashtag from the 4 I came up with for her pages.

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