Reflection 5 – Experimental Marketing

1. What projects, internships, volunteer work or life experiences would help you develop and/or showcase skills for the jobs you shared last week?  What projects, internships, volunteer work have you done which already align with those employers’ needs?

My experience in sales I think will help when I transition into the Marketing industry. I believe developing better analytical skills will help in the industry.

2. What classes/certifications do you think would help you grow in confidence? If you had an extra 30 minutes-1 hour each day, what would you love to study or practice to advance yourself/career?

I think finishing my degree will help gain confidence. It is what a lot of positions require. If I had extra time, I would trend to research and practice current marketing trends. In school I learn of the traditional proven methods but it is hard to stay in what is happening right now.

3. Who would be someone you would enjoy interviewing to learn more about their work, company, and story? Identify two people you would like to reach out to. #informationalinterview

I would like to interview Warren Buffet and Gary Vaynerchuk

As a side note – I’ve visited with plenty of employers who have said if a job applicant can PROVE their work/ability, they would (and have) hire them over another candiate with the Bachelors degree and no proof of work.

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