Online Self Brand Audit

When I googled myself I found my linked in page. If someone did not know my they not know that was page because they have no other information about me. If they had my resume they would be able to confirm it was me based off my past work experiences, current work experiences and education. My other personal social media sites have me a under a different maiden last name to purposely not be found. I also have those accounts in private because it is my private life but I try to never post controversial post or reckless information about myself I have had my bosses as well as parents from the children at the center as friends too.

I am not super interested in growing my personal sites but I do want to learn how because growing a personal site in my opinion seems more difficult than growing a business site. If I can successful grow my own sites I can prove to myself and future clients this is something that I am capable of doing for them on there sites.

One thought on “Online Self Brand Audit

  1. LinkedIn is a great starting point when it comes to personal branding.

    Remember to include screenshots of your Google search results as well as any other social media page/profile that came up — these will be used as “before” images in your final personal branding project. 🙂

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