Client Strategies

What does the term "Men Beauty" actually means?

This week I really focused on finding out what my client, ShopMasc’s target market/audience is. ShopMasc is a men’s health, beauty and grooming brand that caterer’s to men of all ages. I have begin to see that the majority of their business seems to be with men between 25-40. ShopMasc does have something for everyone carrying skincare, cosmetics, tools, hair products, etc. but a lot of their products such as skincare does focus on preventative measures and include a lot of anti-aging properties. They also have products to stimulate hair to help prevent future hair loss that can happen with age. I’ve been shopping with them since my teens and now being in my late 20’s I am more concerned with products to help keep me healthy and youthful. ShopMasc really goes in great detail through their YouTube account posting videos demonstrating these products. They also will start with a product and show you how to use it and what the target areas the product is for. Jamie one of the owners will give you updates monthly on how the product has worked for him and what results he’s noticed so that you’re able to really know if this product would be for you.

While we have focus on our target market this week, the past few weeks I’ve been starting to follow, subscribe and like several different men’s beauty and lifestyle brands. I’ve noticed more traffic through YouTube video views as well as more views, likes and follows on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. I’ve noticed it’s important to really put my client’s brand out there in the market of several categories such as fashion, lifestyles, travel, magazines, etc. instead of just strictly in the beauty/health category. By us liking, posting and following more of these brands, there has been a greater deal of interaction with my clients social media networks.

Going forward this is something that we want to keep building off of and continue to research what our target market’s needs and wants are to help promote the ShopMasc brand. I want to keep a very interactive content strategy by continuing to post product videos, photos, promotions and posts through ShopMasc’s social media networks. When it comes to a younger target audience, being engaging and interactive through social media is really one of the best ways to promote the brand and grow our community.

Client Advertising



My advertising strategy would consist of two social media networks, YouTube and Instagram. I think both of these appeal to the masses while being two completely different social media outlets. YouTube would be the best use of  advertising for my client because I believe that the key to selling products and the beauty industry is seeing the product in use first hand. As mentioned previously, my client ShopMasc already posts tutorials and product reviews monthly on their YouTube channel. This allows customers to learn about the product, what ingredients it consists of, the purpose of the product and what it does as well as how to use the product. I’m a very hands-on, visual person so for me seeing them demonstrate the product and seeing its color, consistency and how it’s applied really stands out to me. My strategy on YouTube would be to feature actual commercials of the products they’re promoting and possibly getting a celebrity/athlete endorsement deal for one or multiple products they sell. I think those are always a great way to sell a product and make something memorable when seeing your favorite celebrity endorsing and using a product.

Using Instagram I would take some of the successes my client has with their YouTube tutorial videos and use that on Instagram. I think posting a short video clip on Instagram and really using key words and phrases as hashtags can show off the product to so many more people than normal. Quick video clips with sounds always catch my eye on Instagram, regardless of what it is I always seem to stop, click and watch. They could post daily or weekly short clips featuring a different product and be interactive with their followers and market the product at the same time. I think this would be a great advertising strategy for my client ShopMasc and appeal to a much larger following than they already have.

Instagram/Youtube ShopMasc


Both Instagram and YouTube are amazing social media networks for my client to have and use. Part of their success has been through uploading videos to YouTube. They do a great job reaching out to their target audience (men) through this method. ShopMasc posts demonstration videos called “Masc Minute” monthly, describing the products that they carry in-depth. The normally post at least one video if not more weekly, talking about the featured product, including what it’s used for and ingredients. The videos are very educational and can help men manage and take care of their appearance and health. ShopMasc target audience is men of any age and they want to give you the info you need and showcase products that will make you feel and look your best. Jamie, who is one of the owner’s of ShopMasc usually does demonstrations weekly from in the store or from his home, so you can get a feel for the product and make sure it’s something you’re needing that will benefit you.

Instagram is another social media network that my client tends to use often, mostly when they’re featuring new products from their shop and online store. They do a nice job of showcasing new products, while giving detail about the product with hashtags that relate to them and the product that’s being featured. Their photos that  they upload tend to really make the product the star and use nice filters which make the product stand out.

ShopMasc Instagram:

ShopMasc YouTube:

Client progress and changes

I have noticed progress and some crucial changes have been done with my client’s social media sites. This past week I’ve made sure that all my clients social media pages are cohesive and match each other. I think it’s important to keep things cohesive for the customer viewing these sites so that they’re not confused by my client and their brand. Although not every social media site has the same profile pic and/or banner, they all seem to flow together and promote the Masc shop brand, so that there is no confusion on what page the customer is viewing.

I have noticed progress especially with my client ShopMasc’s Facebook and Twitter sites. Facebook seems to have several views and new followers daily. Twitter is getting new followers often as well so it’s great that my client is getting new views and potential customers just from social media.

Hopefully everyone is noticing some great progress and have some new and fresh ideas on making their client and brand even bigger and better!