
When Professor B talked about the Hootsuite portion of the class, I was expecting some kind of difficult, slightly boring LMS mini class series. When I set up my account and started going through the videos, I was pleasantly surprised. I have found that the videos are really interesting and informative. The classwork is not too difficult and makes you think about what you just read/watched. This week’s video was very interesting to watch. I think that stuck to me the most, was when Ian talked about how when companies are meeting up with other companies with similar goals, make sure not to give a sales pitch to them. Leave the sales pitch to the people that need to hear it. This is something that we can use in our everyday lives. Sometimes when we go to parties, or family reunions, or any kind of social gathering, we sometimes can give the sales pitch about ourselves. We try to impress people by giving the breakdown of our resume. Leave the sales pitch to the people that need to hear it.

The only question that I had about the readings/videos from this week is: Will we be getting to watch any more videos like this? I really enjoy hearing from Marketing Executives. The thirty minutes that we got to listen to these guys talk, provided us with a surplus of information. I really enjoyed the video!

What did I learn?

I have or have had accounts on most of these social media sites, but I never knew that I was not using them to their full potential. I use Facebook every day but I never knew that you could actually select a target market to send your posts to. I also never fully understood Twitter. I had one for a while, but I never really used it. After watching the video this morning, I made an account and plan on using it to further my online brand.

I have never used Foursquare before, and I probably won’t ever use it. The way I see it, mapping your every location you visit, can be a potentially dangerous thing to do. I believe that it can be a bad idea for you to let everyone know where you are and when you are there. You never know who is watching and what their intentions are. That’s just my opinion though, call me paranoid.

Brand Assessment

When I Googled myself, I found what I was expecting for the most part. I found links about myself in high school, the Air Force, and when I received my free car. I never expected to see my story make it to CNN! The one thing I was surprised to find was a risque photo of a woman I don’t even know. It turns out, that picture is associated to a blog that someone used to share the news story about when I got my car. I think that will have a negative impact on me, if an employer searches my name, and finds that photo.

As I was looking through the internet about myself, I realized that I have the power to either help or hurt myself in what I do on my profiles. I plan on thinking more about what I put on Facebook before I post anything. This is a tool that employers will use to see the “real” me, and I need to use the platforms as such.