Reflection 11

I watched “Marketing Trends Nonprofits Need to Know (and Embrace). One of the most interesting parts of the webinar was when Kiersten Hill spoke about mobile pages. Websites viewed from a computer are much different than those viewed on a mobile device. It is important to be direct and concise with all information. When browsing on a mobile device, people skim. It is also important to use a small amount of photos. Overloading is easy on a mobile landing page. Phone screens are small. Taking up all of that space with pictures is a bad idea. Lastly, making sure there are no annoying popups is essential. Mobile browsers are likely to click off immediately if their experience is choppy and busy. If I make a website in the future, I will make sure to create a different format for mobile devices. When businesses or nonprofits try to use the same format for mobile and desktop, information tends to get lost.

  1. Name of project/cause/nonprofit


  1. Short Blurb

ATProtect is downloadable software that detects if websites are safe (free of viruses) or not to keep your computer healthy.

  1. Project Description

ATProtect Prize SetCustomizable ear buds and computer case, along with a mouse pad featuring artwork from a local artist.

  1. Risks and Challenges

Right now we use ATProtect Software Gen 5 to protect hundreds of computers across the country. Without the staff or capital to upgrade to Generation 6, our protection software may take a bit longer to install than other similar plans. However, we are determined to overcome this problem.

  1. About you

ATProtect is an educated team dedicated to eliminating unnecessary stress from hardworking people’s lives by protecting their computers. At ATProtect, we have spent the past year designing and updating software that protects computers from deadly viruses. Our modern technology saves computers by telling the user if a website is safe or not. We won the NewTech award in 2020 and plan to continue making strides in the software industry. Computer viruses stop people from getting promotions and acing their big projects. ATProtect is here to make sure viruses will not win.

2 thoughts on “Reflection 11

  1. I agree that messaging and promoting on the mobile device takes much more thought. I knew it but really didn’t appreciate the amount of thought to make it meaningful.

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