Category Archives: Client Projects

Content Marketing Part 1

Since my client is an aspiring musician that writes meaningful songs related to his journey with mental illness, I felt an infographic on the benefits of music to your health is something that would resonate with his followers, be easy to reshare as well as provide a link back to his blog.

In addition, there are several quotes from articles that are referenced in the blog post that could be used for future posts.

The blog post, for the purpose of this assignment, is written in my words, after interviewing my client and researching the issue.   It is presented in Part 2, entitled Hello Darkness My Old Friend

Hello Darkness My Old Friend: Content Marketing Part 2

Hello Darkness, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again…

The words of the song written by Paul Simon in 1964 and made popular again by the band Disturbed in 2015, resonate deeply within my soul.

To each of us, the song may have a different intent, but to me, it is a reminder of the constant struggle I have with mental illness.

All of us at some point in our lives have felt some sort of depression or sadness that was beyond our control.  For some of us, it is a struggle we fight with on a regular basis. Continue reading Hello Darkness My Old Friend: Content Marketing Part 2