Week 4

This week was all about learning practical ways to apply our learned knowledge of the social media landscape to our customer assignments. The first thing I considered was who I know would consider a college student to control a portion of their social media. An immediate answer was my father, as we have a very close relationship. I did do a little bit of digging around for other options thought. I talked to my supervisor at work a bout setting up a department-focused twitter account or something of the like. He liked the idea, but the time restraint was just not realistic, so I chose to go on with helping my dad and the audio/video studio he runs at Lawrence High School. This is one of my first exposures to working with a family member as a client and it was very interesting. I set up the tumblr account for the studio which can be found here: http://studio125lhs.tumblr.com/ It is very bare bones at the moment but there is more to come. The next step is a Facebook and Twitter page, as we found out this week these two sites serve different audiences and fulfill different purposes. Facebook has a very wide global presence and Twitter has been shown to not only be useful for individuals, but brands as well. Twitter especially will be good for students to get quick updates from my dad about the going-ons of class. This semester is moving along quickly! It’s time to move onto the next week already. 🙂

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