Reflection #5

For my client’s business, I have a few different goals for this semester.

My first goal is to drive her engagement on her facebook and instagram accounts up to at least 1000 new viewers each week. To do this, I have set a goal to post on her accounts at least 3+ times a week, to add new content and to update her shops in order to reach those engagements.

My second goal is to get her sales up. Since my mom has been struggling with sales, I want her checks to be at least $500 a month starting out. I want her to get at least 10 new customers each month, and to sell 50 items. To do this, I have set goals on how much each customer should spend at minimum. Each customer should spend $50 starting out on products in order to meet these goals. I would also like these customers to post about their products, which is why I’ve been working so hard on her social media presence.

One thought on “Reflection #5

  1. These are good foundational goals for your mom’s business. What strategies will help convert followers to customers? What content will drive followers to her website? We’ll talk about social ads in a few weeks too.

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