Reflection #6

Personal branding statement: I empower others by helping them reveal their true potential online.

For my social media strategies, I would like to rebrand completely by erasing current content and adding content that is more professional and businesslike and less personal. I use my social media to empower others by sharing inspirational content, and I want to expand more on that and keep my content less personal and more empowering. My goals for my brand is to be able to transform my blog into a professional blog and not just one for fun, one I can use to help create a social media presence, and to be able to connect with people who can help me achieve these goals as well. I’d like to gain followers on my instagram platform primarily, because Facebook and Twitter I don’t really use as much.

Below are my current social medias. On each one I’ve removed content that wouldn’t be deemed as professional, set up my LinkedIn profile, unfollowed/unfriended people who didn’t match my social media brand. You can’t see most of it in after photos, so I didn’t add them because the pictures would be the same. I will be working more on using each platform to build a presence online, but in the right, professional way.

One thought on “Reflection #6

  1. Looks like you’ve made some great improvements and are continuing to build out your profiles/brand on each network!

    Nice job on your personal branding/mission statement too!

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