Reflection #7

A successful social community to those whose audience is primarily consumers is a community like facebook. Since facebook offers groups, it’s easy to create facebook communities for different topics. A social community on facebook is one that shares different products and what they do, gives tips on advertising, or even how to use these products, how to create your own business, and so on. This community is so successful because of the fact that it’s inclusive, meaning anyone can join any groups, it’s active, engage with each other often, and it’s easy to access, so being apart of the community doesn’t take a lot of work! For growing a community that’s on a platform like Facebook, I suggest doing facebook marketing for it, or inviting people who are also up-and-coming entrepreneurs to join, so it has more exposure. For my Client strategy, I’ve thought a lot about using facebook marketing and advertising to help boost views, likes and comments on my client’s page in order to gain more of a following. This tactic is really helpful for business owners to spread the word about their business online.

One thought on “Reflection #7

  1. What other jewelry companies/brands exist, which have a strong community of engaged followers? Please profile a company like this and look at how they are engaging their audience on social media. What can you learn/apply to your client’s online presence/strategy?

    Facebook is more of a platform than a community. Communities exist on Facebook, as part of a brand/influencer. If your client was a social media site, then Facebook would be an example you could use (competitor).

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