Part 1: Email etiquette is important for your career because it allows you to communicate with potential clients and job opportunities in the most respectful and professional way. You need to take your time with emails related to college and career opportunities because what you say to these individuals can dictate whether or not you get into a school or program or even get the job that you want to get.
Part 2: What Groups did you join? What marketing job titles stood out to you? Based on the skills required/needed for those marketing positions, which area(s) do you think you’re the strongest? Which area(s) would you like to develop?
I joined 3 groups that pertained to growing social media skills, one that focused more on the fashion merchandising side of digital marketing, and then a general digital marketing group. The jobs that stood out to me the most were Digital Media Assistants that help assist big companies such as Amazon with their advertising on social media. I think that I am fairly strong in content creation but definitely need to strengthen my knowledge when it comes to strategically planning and posting content and the business analytics behind social media marketing.
What did you write in the LinkedIn one-question summary section of Rubin? Please share that on your blog for part 1, so you have a record of it. 🙂
Also, what were the names of the groups you joined?