Reflection 8

After reading about many objectives and strategies for building my client’s presence online, I decided it would be really beneficial if I used tools such as Audience Growth Rate in order to help keep track of the progress of growing a following on my client’s pages. By this, I have kept track of how many followers/likes she started off with, and am tracking the growth of her audience since I started this project a few weeks back.

I read an article that helps with gaining likes and followers on instagram that helped me also find these key takeaways I’m going to try for my client as well. First, I’m going to add more directed and meaningful hashtags to each of my client’s posts. Not only am I going to use them in the posts, but on her stories and in her bio as well. I also have started tagging brands and people in her posts to increase engagement with a specific audience. I have been trying to post consistently, but I am working on a schedule for posting when my client’s audience is primarily on social media. Another big takeaway from the article is engagement with others. Not only am I going to engage with followers, but others outside of mutual friends. I’m even thinking of a way that my client can get her following up by offering discounted products.

I think using these key steps will help engagement on Instagram, facebook and Pinterest a ton in the upcoming months.

Reflection #7

A successful social community to those whose audience is primarily consumers is a community like facebook. Since facebook offers groups, it’s easy to create facebook communities for different topics. A social community on facebook is one that shares different products and what they do, gives tips on advertising, or even how to use these products, how to create your own business, and so on. This community is so successful because of the fact that it’s inclusive, meaning anyone can join any groups, it’s active, engage with each other often, and it’s easy to access, so being apart of the community doesn’t take a lot of work! For growing a community that’s on a platform like Facebook, I suggest doing facebook marketing for it, or inviting people who are also up-and-coming entrepreneurs to join, so it has more exposure. For my Client strategy, I’ve thought a lot about using facebook marketing and advertising to help boost views, likes and comments on my client’s page in order to gain more of a following. This tactic is really helpful for business owners to spread the word about their business online.

Reflection #6

Personal branding statement: I empower others by helping them reveal their true potential online.

For my social media strategies, I would like to rebrand completely by erasing current content and adding content that is more professional and businesslike and less personal. I use my social media to empower others by sharing inspirational content, and I want to expand more on that and keep my content less personal and more empowering. My goals for my brand is to be able to transform my blog into a professional blog and not just one for fun, one I can use to help create a social media presence, and to be able to connect with people who can help me achieve these goals as well. I’d like to gain followers on my instagram platform primarily, because Facebook and Twitter I don’t really use as much.

Below are my current social medias. On each one I’ve removed content that wouldn’t be deemed as professional, set up my LinkedIn profile, unfollowed/unfriended people who didn’t match my social media brand. You can’t see most of it in after photos, so I didn’t add them because the pictures would be the same. I will be working more on using each platform to build a presence online, but in the right, professional way.

Reflection #5

For my client’s business, I have a few different goals for this semester.

My first goal is to drive her engagement on her facebook and instagram accounts up to at least 1000 new viewers each week. To do this, I have set a goal to post on her accounts at least 3+ times a week, to add new content and to update her shops in order to reach those engagements.

My second goal is to get her sales up. Since my mom has been struggling with sales, I want her checks to be at least $500 a month starting out. I want her to get at least 10 new customers each month, and to sell 50 items. To do this, I have set goals on how much each customer should spend at minimum. Each customer should spend $50 starting out on products in order to meet these goals. I would also like these customers to post about their products, which is why I’ve been working so hard on her social media presence.

Reflection #4

When helping rebrand these platforms, I performed simple tasks to start off with. Changing profile pictures, updating bios and profile names was my primary focus. Also, posting new content to help put products on the market as well. I learned from the videos that using different features such as setting up a virtual shop that connects to your website from Instagram. I also learned more information about setting up a Facebook business page as well. I’m going to be working towards building and adding products to each of my client’s platforms so customers can shop with only one click!

Here are her original pages before edits:

Reflection #3

From watching the Hootsuite lessons, the first thing I learned about was the glasses that Snapchat sells. I was unaware that these existed, so that indicates to me that Snapchat didn’t do a good job of marketing them. I also learned that you can sell and link items to sell on Pinterest. I would like to expand more on how to use apps such as Instagram and Pinterest to sell to a specific audience.

For my client I selected my mom’s jewelry business, Premier Designs Jewelry. I chose this business because they have rebranded their entire company and I would like to help my mom rebrand her branch of the company. This company’s mission is to split their profit with many non-profit organizations that benefit the end of sex trafficking, finding cures to cancer, and other beneficial organizations. This company has rebranded completely and added more products than jewelry which has changed the product audience as a whole. My mom uses Facebook currently to promote her business. I would like to create an Instagram page and redo her Facebook page to help her reach a new audience. I also think Pinterest might be beneficial in the aspect of selling as well.

Reflection #2

When taking the CliftonStrengths test, I discovered that my top 5 strengths are communication, consistency, arranger, includer and restorative. I personally consider myself as a big communicator, so that didn’t surprise me as my top strength. I think communication is an important part of having strong relationships and it is a great asset to have in the business world as well. I think my top 5 strengths will be very helpful for me in this class because I’m very consistent with work, I can organize and arrange projects, and I’m very inclusive which is helpful with projects such as this week’s, where we had an online partner. These strengths will be very helpful when having a future career because of communication skills, having the ability to arrange meetings, projects, and different things that come with whatever my future job is. Being consistent is also important because that’s how people can count on you to gt your job done.

I discovered in my online post that my social media is a lot more private than I thought. It would take a rabbit hole to find a lot of my different accounts, but at first glance, my pages are pretty normal, reserved but still describe me as a person. My goal for this semester is to have a more known, and more professional presence on social media. I want a positive brand, but I want to be more visible to the public, which is an intimidating thought. This is an example of how my search results look after having to search “Abby Abrams Kansas” to find anything about me.

Reflection #1: Introducing Me

Hi everyone!

My name is Abby Abrams, I am a sophomore at JCCC and I’m majoring in digital marketing. I’m currently a preschool teacher, but I am about to start my journey as an assistant helping with different marketing projects. I’m taking this course because my future aspirations involve working in the social media world, and I am interested in learning more about social media than just scrolling and liking photos. I hope to learn different posting strategies, more about personal branding, and understanding more about social media marketing as a whole.