Creative Content

Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Content Calendar

Attached is my content calendar, I actually did mine by week instead of day because for my client that works better, it is very difficult for a boutique personalized items company to post new things daily.  My suggestion to my client is that they schedule the posts twice a week, based on the theme of that week and possibly on the Launch item.  I also think some quick fun videos with music of making the items, but not a tutorial where someone could make the items themselves, would be a fun interaction.  If there is something else created that week that doesn’t fit that theme they are more than welcome to post about it or leave it for the week of miscellaneous items.  During the holidays most of the time they will be premiering and talking about or having videos of Christmas items since that is normally a large personalized item sales time. During the holidays  give little hints of the clients favorite Christmas movie and ask people to guess, winner would get prize.

During the Facebook Share drive, ask followers to Share your links, and for every time they share a link, they would receive their name in a drawing for a free item of their choice, up to a certain value.

At no point does my client put the amount an item costs on social media, this is due in part because since things are personalized everything is a different price based on supplies used, and this also makes the possible customer have to reach out to get pricing and start a conversation with my client.  While the ultimate result is to sell items at no time on social media does my client push sales, they will push deadlines for items/holidays and certain specials but it won’t be where “I just need one more sale to finish my month strong,” type of content.


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