My Top 5 Strengths!!

In doing the Clifton StrengthsFinder exercise my top 5 strengths are Belief, Achiever, Responsibility, Communication, and Developer. I wasn’t completely surprised by the outcome of this exercise. I can see myself in each of these 5 roles and I think they do a good job of defining who I am in my life and my career. I was surprised at some of the categories i thought would be on my top 5 that weren’t, such as Empathy, Positivity, and Harmony to name a few.

I believe that in some way, all of these characteristics can me helpful to me in this marketing class. I struggle a bit with navigating through the internet and Social Media sites, but the Achiever in me will figure it out and hopefully have it “mastered” by the end of the semester:) I have a strong Belief that I can do ANYTHING I set my mind to, and I also feel a strong Responsibility to always give my all and do my best! My Communication skills will help me feel confident in admitting when I don’t understand something and asking for help, and the Developer in me will do anything and everything I can to help others “get it” and succeed in the class, even if it means we’ll learn it together:)

As I continue to work towards my new career, I feel that my top 5 strengths will help me in many different ways. Similar to the reasons I gave in the last paragraph, I do have a strong desire to accomplish anything I set my sites on. Many of my friends, family, and colleagues would say that I am often an over Achiever and tend to be very hard on myself. I am a very determined person, and believe that even if I fail at something, I will get backĀ  up and try even harder until I get it right. I believe that effective communication is key in any and all relationships and that it is extremely beneficial to have in working as a team in the work place. I have always worked in some type of management position and in my last job, I was responsible for training other team members and new managers. It is important for me to see others succeed, especially if I’ve been responsible for their training and development. I strongly believe that if I continue to use my strengths in my career that I will be successful in all I do!!

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