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Social Media Ads

On my personal social media account, advertisements that target me are usually popular clothing websites, or restaurants. These ads are effective when they are not overbearing or constantly popping up on my social media. Another way they might be effective is when they show up after I had searched something similar before. It seems like typically things I will search on my phone or computer, show up on my social media because they are obviously an interest of mine. Companies can track if these ads are effective or not by charting which ads get more likes than others, and to track if the link to their ad is clicked on their targeted audience.

Week 8 Reflection- Objectives

The Riordan Clinic’s Twitter and Instagram are very similar with how many followers they have. Our Twitter has 420 followers, and Instagram has 366.

To get more followers on Twitter, my objective is to post more, and to reply to posts others have tagged us in; whether it’s giving feedback or thanking them for the reply. Another strategy is to favorite and retweet potential customers posts, in hopes for a follow back.

For Instagram, my objective is to also post more on here, and use hashtags so that it is more likely somebody new will stumble across our page. I also had an idea to post some of the workouts and recipes that are pinned on our Pinterest.

Now Facebook is definitely our strongest social media account with 5,086 likes, and 4,994 followers. My strategy to potentially gain even more is to also link Pinterest with our Facebook account, so every time Riordan Clinic pins something new on Pinterest, it will post on Facebook as well. This could be beneficial because Facebook is often used to find recipes (in this case healthy) and even workouts. Another way to fain more followers is to again, post more and reply to more comments.

Week 7 Reflection

The social community of my client are mainly patients of the clinic and their loved ones.

Something that makes the social community successful is that on my clients Facebook, you can see how many patients and followers comment on every post the Riordan Clinic makes. Some of these comments are directed towards the Riordan Clinic, and others are patients replying to each other being friendly and answering questions for each other. To me, this is successful because it is important that the Riordan Clinic’s social community not only supports the Riordan Clinic, but support each other as well.


Week 5 Reflection

Here are the results I got from running my clients Twitter through Hootsuites Social Grader:

Reach: B+, Engagement: B, Profile: A

3 aspects of my clients Twitter that I could improve are: keeping the Twitter up to date with near events, sales, and any successful recovery stories. Ideally, making the Twitter’s presence alive much like their Facebook page is.

The next thing I could improve on is replying to tweets that other users tag my clients twitter in. Hootsuites Social Grader interpreted that my client has only replied to 1% of the tweets that our handle was tagged in.

The third thing I could improve on is to make the Twitter profile custom by adding different colors which add personality and uniqueness.

Week 4 Reflection

This week, I did not get to update any of my client’s social media cites due to her needing to prepare for their board meeting. But, this coming week we are going to have a meeting over the phone to talk about what can be improved and updated on all 6 websites the Riordan Clinic currently has.

The videos I’ve watched this week explain the basic works of each social media. Since I have had personal accounts through most of these social media’s, I’ve already known pretty much everything about how they work. Although, there are a few things I learned that would help with promoting business. When it comes to Twitter, I think the “lists” are a cool way to keep up with other businesses you might not want to follow, and would be a great feature to update on my clients profile. On Instagram, I never realized that adding a hashtag to your bio indicates that customers could use that hashtag, and the business could view their picture based on the hashtag.

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