Social Media Strategy for the Semester

Steps for Social Media Strategy

Since my client is a new music artist the objective will be to build brand awareness with impression and reach.

We will use the following strategies to meet this objective.

  1. We will create any missing network profiles including LinkedIn and improve all existing ones.

This will be done by making sure that handles are consistent across all networks for easy interaction from one site to another.

We will work to create a high-resolution brand logo that can prominently be displayed on all sites.

  1. We will work to define his brand persona and voice so that all content will be the same from site to site.

We will do this by reviewing what media was most effective in the past as well as the style that best fits his image and is relevant to his followers.

  1. We will compare similar artists and look at what content is successful for them to guide in our content.
  2. We will look for influencers to share my client’s media. We will do this by searching for those that have large followings that have shared similar content in the past.
  3. We will work to develop content strategy including the number of posts to each site and the type of media we want to post.

We will achieve this by establishing a time frame for projects, posts, and improvements as well as researching the best methods for relaying the content across the various platforms.

  1. The client will work to develop tabs on Facebook pages for likes to similar industry content, local sports teams, schools, and charities.
  2. We will discuss attainable goals to increase impressions and reach, as well as discuss what numbers he wishes to reach for views followers etc.


The metrics that will be used for these strategies involve the following:

  1. Video metrics including view count, 10-second views and overall watch time.  This will help us to know how many people are viewing the content, the extent of time they view it and where we can make improvements in future videos.
  2. We will use quantitative awareness measurements to determine engagement. This will be done by determining baseline counts in a periodic time frame to determine an increase in favorites, likes, posts, and shares.
  3. Audience growth rates will help us determine how many net followers are gained during a time frame.

I feel these beginning strategies will surely be modified as the semester continues, and we begin to learn what strategies show promise and as I learn new techniques to apply.  I do believe this is a great start!



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