Reflection #11

Shown above are my examples of social advertisements that are catered towards my client’s audience.

I think that my client’s social ad types would include photo and video ads that showcase their newest products, stories ads, so they can post, but not annoy their audience with too much content, and carousel ads that can show product to more than just my clients followers.

I think photo and video ads can be effective if I have enough of a target audience to show these ads to. Posting these ads to virtually no one does little for my client and doesn’t reach an audience without that certain boost. I think that stories have that same affect because normally only your followers see your stories, unless they are sponsored, whereas most people, such as myself, would either click through or swipe up on the ad. Companies can track the success of their ads by seeing how effective these ads have been. Are the views on their content up? Website clicks? More product purchased or viewed? That’s how I can clue in if my ads are being more effective for my client.

The campaign I have going for my client is sharing new products that are targeting an audience doing early Christmas or holiday shopping, because my client just launched a new collection for Christmastime. The objective is for people to view and purchase products as gifts for the holidays, so we are targeting online shoppers and those who are looking to save for the holidays as well. My estimated budget on these ads is about $30 a week, reaching about 2500-3000 new viewers weekly.

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