Reflection #10 — How to style jewelry into an everyday look

Here is the blog post I would post for my client.

As a Maurice’s manager and a home stager as well as a small business owner, it’s hard to find a good in between on fashionable yet comfy everyday outfits, and adding jewelry to them to complete the look. For me, I live in jewelry. I’ve sold it for 25 years, and I never go a day without it. But for some people, jewelry isn’t really their thing and it can be kind of uncomfortable.

All the jewelry I wear is authentic. It can be dressed up or down, but it’s impossible not to pair it with something! I love to pair long necklaces with shirts that are more casual to dress them up for a shift at work, and add a gold bracelet and hoops and the outfit is complete!

If you’re going for more of a casual look, lean towards something more simple. I suggest focusing more on a creative pair of earrings and a small gold chain necklace would add some sophistication to your outfit. If it’s glam you’re leaning towards, I suggest that you wear more of a statement necklace that has diamonds or pearls in it as well as a few rings and a bracelet. If it’s something in between, try a long necklace and some stud earrings.

If you want some inspiration, check out my Pinterest for some ideas!


I think the best part about wearing jewelry is that no matter what you’re wearing, a simple necklace and a pair of hoop earrings can make a world of difference.


Posting on Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest: Looking for some fashion Inspo? Check out my latest blog post where I talk a little bit about styling jewelry into everyday looks!

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