Reflection Number Six

What are the key concepts/tips you’ll be applying to the emails you write in the future?

A few concepts I will be applying to the emails I write in the future are to make sure I address the person correctly. Making sure not to be to informal and knowing when to use the first name and last name, depending on the situation. I will also make sure to have a proper email signature and be conscious on how I choose to use a name drop.

What brand do you enjoy receiving email from? Why?

I enjoy receiving emails from Rachel Traxler, who is a Photographer Business Coach. Her subject lines always catch my attention. For example, here are a few of her latest newsletters subject lines.

  • It’s really that simple to explode your social media?
  • Seeing “new inquiry” in your inbox (with the eyes emoji)
  • SEO holding back???
  • Ditch these things!!!

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