Reflection One – Capstone

Hello! My name is Abigale, but you’re more than welcome to call me Abby. I’m 20 years old, a self-taught photographer, videographer, avid coffee consumer, traveler and a kansas-made goofball. I am currently in Florida for the month staying with family and when I am not doing schoolwork, you will find me on the beach enjoying the warm sunshine.
I find that my top strengths are creativity and authenticity, however, I would also consider myself very open-minded and reliable. Each year, I always choose three words to live by. This year my words are- intention, vision, and to be.
My work experience has been limited as I have worked for myself for the past few years. In the summers, I worked for a shaved ice company in my small town as well as ran their social media. In high school, I worked for our local pharmacy as a sales associate and delivery driver. In this position, I assisted in the sales of customers prescriptions and other medical aides, as well as delivered medications to customers, and senior living centers. When I was in the beginning of my business, I job shadowed a fellow photographer, assisting in posing the client and changing backdrops.