Reflection Eight

1. What stood out to you during the Marketing Fundamentals mini-course?

I really liked the clip talking about category definition, and the examples they used really helped me understand. Your core business can be narrowed to specific items, but you can also broaden your products. You can go from just selling furniture to being considered a home lifestyle store just by selling a wider variety on items. When you expand your product options, your business grows significantly but so does competition.

2. What course(s) caught your attention in LinkedIn Learning (Click Browse (Links to an external site.) next to the search bar) that would fit into your Professional Development Plan and Career Goals? How could you fit this into your schedule? Will you?

Underneath the Business Topics, under Marketing, there is a small business marketing. Underneath that tab are multiple courses but I am interested in the Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses By Martin Waxman. I would and am considering completing this course during my free trial this month. Social media is a very important aspect in marketing a photography business so I think this would be beneficial for me, especially because it is FREE!!

3. Small Business Revolution: Wabash (S1E1)  Out of the six businesses to be featured in Season 1, which one would you be most interested in helping as a marketer? What did you think about, learn from, relate to in this first episode? 

Thriftalicious would be my top choice. Being from a small town of less than 2,000 people, I get where this town is coming from.Personally, I am a huge thrifting fan, and this sounds like such a cool place for a small town. Especially for the residents to be able to donate items for their fellow community members. And even though thrifting is different, my small town has a Community Outreach Program/Building where you bring what you can and take what you need. I think this should be a thing for every small town and is such an awesome way to support your community!

Reflection Seven

Part 1 – What podcast/interview did you listen to? Who did the interviewer interview?

I listened to a photographer’s podcast called Shine & Thrive by Sara Monika. She created a mini marketing course and in this episode, she interviewed one of her students, Tia Abbott.

Part 2 – What type of questions did the interviewer ask? Or – what questions were answered?

She asked questions pertaining to the course and  most questions were answered with how it boosted her confidence, and how she can be her “perfectly imperfect” self with her clients!

Part 3 – Who would you like to do your Informational Interview with this semester (mid-level in career; someone you could ask for 20 mins. from)? Draft up 5 – 10 questions you would ask them.

I would like to interview a wedding photographer I look up to. Her name is Molly Hoffman, from Kc. I could ask her so many things but I would love to know if it is worth investing in the most expensive equipment to make your work the best. IS it worth it? Are styled shoots worth investing into? How do you gain so many clients that are perfectly suited for you? How do you know when to raise your rates while booking the clients YOU want?