February 12

Platform Update and Engagement Strategies

This week I set up new accounts for the JCCC Foundation on YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn and updated the Facebook and Twitter pages. One thing I learned from the HootSuite videos is how important engaging visual content is across all platforms. I have some hunting to do for some good photos! The videos also gave a good tip for crafting the about section of each platform, and that is to use key terms people would search for. I did that across the platforms for the JCCC Foundation.

I’m excited to learn more about the LinkedIn group I created. I don’t know if it was my computer or their server, but the “invite people to your group” function wasn’t working when I tried it. I think LinkedIn will be a great place to connect with JCCC alumni and let them know how they can support current JCCC students. It made me aware that I haven’t made many connections on LinkedIn in a while. Time to do that!

I love Instagram because I’m a visual person. I use my personal account frequently, but I need to think about how to use it for the JCCC Foundation. This is definitely one I need to find good starter photos for. I’m glad the engagement strategy video suggested having a good pack of images to make your page look better.

I feel like the JCCC Foundation will get the most action on Facebook and Twitter, but I love the engagement strategy of having links to all your platforms everywhere you can. I really think that will drive people from Facebook or Twitter to LinkedIn, YouTube or Instagram. I love Instagram, as I mentioned, so I always click on the Insta link when I see it on a page.

Posted February 12, 2017 by awilso78 in category Uncategorized

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