February 27

Personal Branding

My personal branding statement:

I motivate people to help others through marketing for nonprofits.

My personal social media strategy on Twitter is to follow nonprofit marketing people/organizations and engage with them. I’ll share any good articles I find on Twitter through LinkedIn with more personal insight than Twitter allows. I am working to increase the size of my LinkedIn network, and I’ve joined many nonprofit marketing groups. Apparently LinkedIn limits the number of groups you can join! I have enjoyed viewing my LinkedIn feed, which I’ve never really done before.

On my LinkedIn account, I added a professional headline and summary. Before I didn’t have either of those. I also created a custom URL and more info public, like my summary and skills.


On my Twitter account, I added a headline and deleted some very old tweets. Why in the world did I ever tweet about Zac Efron?! LOL

My Facebook is private, and I intend to keep it that way. I did add a brief intro the public can view. I also added “featured photos,” but I didn’t realize those would be public, and I didn’t like that so I removed them. My LinkedIn and Twitter have the same professional head-shot, but I used a more casual one for Facebook.

Posted February 27, 2017 by awilso78 in category Uncategorized

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