February 19

Social Media Strategy for the JCCC Foundation

Goal: Increase awareness of Foundation related activity by increasing Facebook followers by 20%.

Goal: Increase event attendance with owned social strategies on all social platforms. This will be tracked by a “Where did you hear about this event?” question at ticket purchase. Metrics will vary depending on the event.

Goal: Increase donor loyalty by engaging with top 10 socially active donors.

Audit: I was surprised that to find out that I didn’t know one of our followers on Facebook, and I think that’s a good thing! We have a Board of about 130 people that I know well, and I expected them to be represented, but I didn’t see one of our members. They are generally an older group. In researching competitors, I noticed that several of them included alumni in their page name, and I think that’s a good strategy. Social media will be a great way to keep the next generation of JCCC Foundation engaged. I will have the general JCCC accounts post about following the Foundation at graduation time.

Content Strategy: The content strategy for the JCCC Foundation will change based on engagement. I don’t currently have enough posts to determine what gets responses. My initial plan is to post to Facebook and Twitter every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If I have a great photo, I will share it on Instagram. Once I get members in the LinkedIn group, I’d like to post there at least once a week. I will promote the current event we have going on by pinning a post about it and making the banner image one for the event. I will share Foundation specific news, like large gifts, program support, etc. I will also share general JCCC news if it relates to Foundation activity, including The Performing Arts Series and Nerman Museum news. I would also like to eventually share student scholarship stories. I’ll always tag or mention anyone relevant to the post.

I will have to check analytics frequently to see what people respond to best, and then adjust this strategy.

Using HootSuite’s Social Grader, the JCCC Foundation twitter account got a B+. I’m pretty happy about that, and the profile info got an A+! We have decent engagement, but it’s mostly from the same few people. So the number of people that engage is something I need to improve, and I think mentioning other users in tweets will help with that. We also have low retweets, and I’d like to improve that. I can ask for retweets, keep the messages interesting and have great images. I was surprised the Social Grader said the account wasn’t responsive to followers. I would never do that! But apparently I did. :/ I will make it a priority to be more engaged with followers.

Posted February 19, 2017 by awilso78 in category Uncategorized

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