Week 4 reflection

Part 1: Email etiquette is important for your career because it allows you to communicate with potential clients and job opportunities in the most respectful and professional way. You need to take your time with emails related to college and career opportunities because what you say to these individuals can dictate whether or not you get into a school or program or even get the job that you want to get.


Part 2: What Groups did you join? What marketing job titles stood out to you? Based on the skills required/needed for those marketing positions, which area(s) do you think you’re the strongest? Which area(s) would you like to develop?

I joined 3 groups that pertained to growing social media skills, one that focused more on the fashion merchandising side of digital marketing, and then a general digital marketing group. The jobs that stood out to me the most were Digital Media Assistants that help assist big companies such as Amazon with their advertising on social media. I think that I am fairly strong in content creation but definitely need to strengthen my knowledge when it comes to strategically planning and posting content and the business analytics behind social media marketing.

Reflection #2 My Clifton Strengtha

  • What did you learn about yourself through the assessments (StrengthsFinder and etc.)?
    • I learned that I am a lot better at communication than I thought, and that I have grown more in different strengths than the last time that i took this assessment.
  • Which strengths/results describes you best?
    • The results that describe me best is that I am an arranger, I am a very organized person and I like things to be precise, but I am also very flexible and willing to accommodate others to the best of my ability.
  • What strengths and skills do you think will be most important in achieving your career goals?
    • I think that the skills that will be the most helpful is that I am a strong problem solver and do whatever is best for the situation, and I excel at bringing others together to solve a task.
  • What are your top five values?
    • They are Restorative, Input, Communication, Arranger, Harmony
  • What are you most passionate about/interested in?
    • Helping others and raising awareness and attention to pressing problems in the world

Introduction to Experiential Marketing!


My name is Abby Abrams, I’m 20 years old and I’m majoring in Digital Marketing. I am very passionate about social media and want to become a social media marketer. I’m also passionate about mental health too, and have my very own blog here that talks about my mental health journey.

I am a full time retail manager at Ann Taylor LOFT, and I’ve worked retail for 4 years. I love clothes and to market for my jobs! I also run my mom’s small business’ social media, thanks to Professor B’s class last semester! I’m currently interning for a nonprofit organization that combats child abuse in KC and helping them run their social media! I have 2 cats, love to read outside of work and school, and look forward to learning more about marketing in general. I want to learn more about how to incorporate marketing skills into basic tasks such as promoting my favorite products online, in a professional manner.



Reflection #16

Personal Branding Reflection

Here is my personal branding reflection. I did really well on posting consistently, but I didn’t have well thought out content to help create more of a presence. I wasn’t as active online as I should’ve been so I lost followers, but now I have a thought out plan on what to do better and how to create better content in order for me to have a successful social media presence. Overall, my online presence is good, it just needs some work to be more than just a plain page.

Reflection #15

Client Project

Which working with my client this semester, I’ve learned many interesting things about the world of Social Media. As someone who loves to go online and look at other peoples lives, this class felt like a dream to me. I learned how important it is to have a positive social media presence and to establish yourself well. My client was already pretty well established online, she just needed a little extra helping with content posting and being consistent. I learned a lot about how paid advertising can go a long way. It’s important to put your business out there, and paid ads are the best way to do that. I also discovered the importance of being transparent online. People don’t want to see you selling things, they want you to sell TO them. Making things personal is so important and it helped my client’s business tremendously as well. It’s also important to utilize all your tools as an entrepreneur in social media. Different platforms give you many tools to be creative such as stories, reels, different filters, texts, all sorts of cool things to help elevate your creativity. I learned to use all these tools in a way to help my business as well.

Reflection 13

I can see myself using the hootsuite platform in the future as a way to review a lot of the concepts I have learned. Though I have gotten both certifications, I want to expand on both of them and review and make sure I fully understand the content. I think my client could benefit from this as well because she can learn so many things about each social media platform and how to utilize them to her advantage, and to help benefit her in other ways as well.

Reflection #12

I think the area that I have found myself the most drawn to this semester is definitely social media content and how to create it in a way to where my audience will be intrigued instead of writing it off as another ad. I think this was helpful to me as well because it helped me see ads on Instagram and Facebook in a new light. It made me think, if I didn’t understand the components of these ads, would I buy from these brands? I believe the most valuable module for me has also been about content strategies and how to create and maintain these goals for my client’s social media platforms as well. The organization tasks when it comes to content creating are actually very helpful in the aspect that it helps get out more content in a consistent manner.

Reflection #11

Shown above are my examples of social advertisements that are catered towards my client’s audience.

I think that my client’s social ad types would include photo and video ads that showcase their newest products, stories ads, so they can post, but not annoy their audience with too much content, and carousel ads that can show product to more than just my clients followers.

I think photo and video ads can be effective if I have enough of a target audience to show these ads to. Posting these ads to virtually no one does little for my client and doesn’t reach an audience without that certain boost. I think that stories have that same affect because normally only your followers see your stories, unless they are sponsored, whereas most people, such as myself, would either click through or swipe up on the ad. Companies can track the success of their ads by seeing how effective these ads have been. Are the views on their content up? Website clicks? More product purchased or viewed? That’s how I can clue in if my ads are being more effective for my client.

The campaign I have going for my client is sharing new products that are targeting an audience doing early Christmas or holiday shopping, because my client just launched a new collection for Christmastime. The objective is for people to view and purchase products as gifts for the holidays, so we are targeting online shoppers and those who are looking to save for the holidays as well. My estimated budget on these ads is about $30 a week, reaching about 2500-3000 new viewers weekly.

Reflection #10 — How to style jewelry into an everyday look

Here is the blog post I would post for my client.

As a Maurice’s manager and a home stager as well as a small business owner, it’s hard to find a good in between on fashionable yet comfy everyday outfits, and adding jewelry to them to complete the look. For me, I live in jewelry. I’ve sold it for 25 years, and I never go a day without it. But for some people, jewelry isn’t really their thing and it can be kind of uncomfortable.

All the jewelry I wear is authentic. It can be dressed up or down, but it’s impossible not to pair it with something! I love to pair long necklaces with shirts that are more casual to dress them up for a shift at work, and add a gold bracelet and hoops and the outfit is complete!

If you’re going for more of a casual look, lean towards something more simple. I suggest focusing more on a creative pair of earrings and a small gold chain necklace would add some sophistication to your outfit. If it’s glam you’re leaning towards, I suggest that you wear more of a statement necklace that has diamonds or pearls in it as well as a few rings and a bracelet. If it’s something in between, try a long necklace and some stud earrings.

If you want some inspiration, check out my Pinterest for some ideas! https://www.pinterest.com/andreabiggs2011/_saved/


I think the best part about wearing jewelry is that no matter what you’re wearing, a simple necklace and a pair of hoop earrings can make a world of difference.


Posting on Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest: Looking for some fashion Inspo? Check out my latest blog post where I talk a little bit about styling jewelry into everyday looks!

Reflection #9

Content marketing is a type of marketing that uses online platforms such as Instagram and Facebook as a way to share created content that isn’t a specific promoted brand but still sparks interest with clients by promoting different products.

I have seen successful content marketing done by influencers on Instagram. They post sponsored ADs for different companies, but their pages are not dedicated to selling products so this is a successful way of sharing content because these bloggers have clean pages, and have tons of followers who look to them for advice on products and lifestyle choices.

I’ve also see successful content marketing done by Coke and their “Share a Coke” campaign because they had different people, lots of celebrities share photos of them drinking Coke, which entices “normal” people to drink the same products as their favorite celebrities, even if the celebrities don’t actually drink Coke products.




Attached below is my content calendar for my client’s social media accounts over the course of the next three months.

Content_Calendar_Template for moms socials